Encounter: Sky at Saigon ...

Date: July 17th 2020
Name: Sky
Phone: 210-264-1979
Email Address: Na
URL / Website: Na
City: San Antonio
State: Texas
Address: West Ave
Activities: MASSAGE HJ CBJ CG MISH TS Breast Worship
Hair Length and Color: Blonde straight past shoulder
Age: Late 30s
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: 5’2” maybe. Approx 105lbs
Asian with huge bolt on Ds and nice huge nips
Recommendation: Yes
NavyManSA2004's Avatar
Saw her few weeks ago - she's a sweetie for sure!
Saw her few weeks ago - she's a sweetie for sure! Originally Posted by NavyManSA2004
Good to see you’re getting out!🤣🤣🤣
She is quite good and has a banging body!
I’ve hit some HJ places but want FS. Is this place noob friendly?
MrTex1959's Avatar
I’ve hit some HJ places but want FS. Is this place noob friendly? Originally Posted by Equate92
Oh yes as is Bliss Spa and Vicky Spa..Same business model as they say.
The description reminds of a compact little Asian named Brenda who used to go back and forth between Saigon and L&T. She had tight little body with big MM's that she liked to rub all over her customers. She really liked her work. Ahhhh...memories.