The hatred of the leftists is ultimately self-destructive to themselves
They are incapable of seeing that in their Rage and hate - and are cheerfully using Antifa and anarchists to destroy Rule of Law in America as a way of undermining Trump.
How hateful, shortsighted, and treasonous. Each deserves their own homes to be treated as they wish on their 'enemies' -The 'Rule of Law' Abiding fellow Americans.
Originally Posted by oeb11
the left hates trump
but they really hate us but trump is in the way
the thing i like most about trump is he loves America
the ideal of America, the founders who established the constitution, its protections for the individual and for the minority and its abilities to change and to heal
even the "mainstream " dimocrats want to destroy its protections
when trump proclaims "make America great again" what was the dimocrat response, i mean elected leaders in the dimocrat party? it was America never was great
the left believes, actually its a tenet of the left, that anyone working within the American system and its institutions is a racist