Delaying The U.S. Elections

President Trump tweeted this today...

With Universal Mail-In Voting (not Absentee Voting, which is good), 2020 will be the most INACCURATE & FRAUDULENT Election in history. It will be a great embarrassment to the USA. Delay the Election until people can properly, securely and safely vote???
He has been fighting the "fascism" labels ever since he won the presidency, and he gives up this softball to his opponents? What an "oof" moment for him. He should have just let SCOTUS make their rulings, which have been against mail-in ballots (so far).

With all that said, should we consider delaying the U.S. Elections? I still think they should go on as planned, personally. They have gone on as planned during war, depression, and, even, pandemic (like the Spanish Flu in 1918).
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
President Trump tweeted this today...

He has been fighting the "fascism" labels ever since he won the presidency, and he gives up this softball to his opponents? What an "oof" moment for him. He should have just let SCOTUS make their rulings, which have been against mail-in ballots (so far).

With all that said, should we consider delaying the U.S. Elections? I still think they should go on as planned, personally. They have gone on as planned during war, depression, and, even, pandemic (like the Spanish Flu in 1918). Originally Posted by SecretE

yes. hold the election on schedule. and no caving in to mass mail-in voting. way too much potential for fraud. like the Dems need any help there, yeah? they invented voter fraud and no one does it better.

as for Trump's tweet, does it really matter now? the left will jack up anything he says anyway.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Methinks Trump doesn't realize what happens if the election is delayed too much. I can't see him wanting either Pelosi or Leahy in office-- which are the only options-- if we don't have a duly elected POTUS by January 20, 2021.

Pelosi-- because there are scholars that speculate that despite the fact that she will no longer be an elected official if elections are held off-- that technically the role of Speaker of the House does NOT require the person to be elected to the House.

Leahy-- because if the above proves false... then the Senate will temporarily be a Democrat majority due to all the R senators that are running for their seats this year. Traditionally.. the President Pro Tempore of the Senate is always the longest tenured senator of the majority party.

Personally-- I really think things like this show Trumps ignorance on how some things work. Its the things like this that really illustrate his lack of political knowledge and experience. And of course-- its always fun to see the masses go into panic mode on social media.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Just like a laser pointer to a cat, the Demonicrats are now married to the November date - no matter what. Well played Mr. President. Well played..
sportfisherman's Avatar
Chump is desperate.He is toast.

The only avenue he has to stay in office is to not have an election or have it and invalidate a bunch of votes.

People don't like him.He lost the popular vote by alot in 2016 against a dis-liked Hillary,Russian help,and not having any political baggage.

His assertions of vote fraud are ludicrous.He could not win popular vote before and he damn sure can't win it now.He formed a group to explore vote fraud from 2016 because it besmirched his election not having won the popular vote and his inaugural crowd being so small.

The group found nothing and just faded away.

We need to encourage voting.They can do more lenient mail-ins easily.It helps our democracy and helps with this pandemic.

Chump is already trying to call the outcome into question cause he knows he going to Lose !!
Lapdog's Avatar
By a landslide.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...People don't like him.He lost the popular vote by alot in 2016 against a dis-liked Hillary,... Originally Posted by sportfisherman

He also got less of the Cocker Spaniel vote. While both actually count the same value in Presidential elections, the popular vote margin of ~3M is equal to the amount of popular vote he lost to Hitlery in NYC. Also equal to the amount he lost to her/it in Commiefornia. But at least Joe "Who am I married to" Biden only has 45+ years of political baggage to lug around. Hilldawg'ss was much less than that.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
By a landslide. Originally Posted by Lapdog

i just have to ask ya scooby .. what will you do if Trump wins? seriously .. what would you do? move to Canada? join the "resistance" and become one of these anarchist assholes rioting in Portland?

what will you do?

besides go out in your yard and drop a load larger than Mt. Everest ..
Lapdog's Avatar
i just have to ask ya scooby .. what will you do if Trump wins? seriously .. what would you do? move to Canada? join the "resistance" and become one of these anarchist assholes rioting in Portland?

what will you do?

besides go out in your yard and drop a load larger than Mt. Everest .. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Well, I haven't really given it much thought because I believe that it's not going to happen. I still have faith in the overall intelligence of the American voters. They got complacent the last time and they won't be fooled again. It wouldn't even surprise me if he dropped out to prevent such a loss, because he can't stand losing and dropping out would be a lesser shame, because I'm sure that he'd make up some lame excuse that you would soak up like a dry sponge. But in answer to your original question, I'll stay the course I'm on now. Thanks for asking.
bambino's Avatar
i just have to ask ya scooby .. what will you do if Trump wins? seriously .. what would you do? move to Canada? join the "resistance" and become one of these anarchist assholes rioting in Portland?

what will you do?

besides go out in your yard and drop a load larger than Mt. Everest .. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Then he’ll eat it!!!!
bambino's Avatar
Just like a laser pointer to a cat, the Demonicrats are now married to the November date - no matter what. Well played Mr. President. Well played.. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Exactly! You can’t go to work, you can’t go to church, you can’t go to school. So why go to vote????? Just mail it in!!!!
Lapdog's Avatar
The only thing that's going to be eaten will be lots of crow, by you, Bambi.
texassapper's Avatar
This is hilarious. He just played libtards like a master! The election can't get delayed... so now Libs are all on record of saying we have to hold the election... LOL...

What a bunch of dummies.
bambino's Avatar
The only thing that's going to be eaten will be lots of crow, by you, Bambi. Originally Posted by Lapdog
How does it taste? You would know.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Well, I haven't really given it much thought because I believe that it's not going to happen. I still have faith in the overall intelligence of the American voters. They got complacent the last time and they won't be fooled again. It wouldn't even surprise me if he dropped out to prevent such a loss, because he can't stand losing and dropping out would be a lesser shame, because I'm sure that he'd make up some lame excuse that you would soak up like a dry sponge. But in answer to your original question, I'll stay the course I'm on now. Thanks for asking. Originally Posted by Lapdog

who got fooled? very few if any people who voted for Trump because of Trump's plans are disappointed. why should they be? Trump accomplished what he said he would. there is no denying that even on the left. oh you might not like it or agree but he did do what he said he would. he did get trade agreements redone in more fair terms for the US. do you agree or disagree that's good for the US? he did stop the mass flow of illegals into the US. so unless you favor open borders meaning you favor masses of illegals being allowed to enter at will how is that a bad thing or racist? if 10 million whites from Canada were entering the US illegally would it be racist to enforce our laws which call for border security? of course not. so why is it racist just because they are hispanics from Mexico and south america? it isn't racist nor xenophobic. yet the left insists that it is. do you think they would if Obama had done any of this? of course not. they'd give him the Nobel .. oh wait they did for doing nothing except being the first black president.

now about Clinton. certainly people voted for Trump as a vote against Clinton. they will vote against Biden too because Biden represents the same things to them. especially as he gets pulled farther left by the bernie bro's and their socialist agenda. ultimately bringing bernie on will be a mistake that will cost Biden the election. it was a calculated risk and possibly one Biden had to take to get bernie's bloc to support him but much to Ecky9.5k's dismay there is no progressive groundswell in the country. so Biden's gains if he can go left enough to satisfy the bernie bro's will cost him far more among moderate democrats and independent voters.

i laugh when i hear talk that Trump will cut and run. He won't because he's too stubborn. he's never backed away from anything in his life. why would he now at the pinnacle of success by becoming president? not gonna happen. it's just hopeful speculation by the left. Trump will do what he always does .. double down.

so what is it you object to about Trump's presidency? you are not allowed to say he's an asshole everyone knows that. you can't mention his business bankruptcies because it's not relevant to being president.

and last .. your life has changed very little in the negative if at all in the three years Trump has been in office. so in terms of his actions as president only what is it you don't like?

This is hilarious. He just played libtards like a master! The election can't get delayed... so now Libs are all on record of saying we have to hold the election... LOL...

What a bunch of dummies. Originally Posted by texassapper

yep. it's on now!