The big hurt

smokedog01's Avatar
Vote for Trump or Biden is going to crack open his hurt locker
Ripmany's Avatar
Twiter spsm
smokedog01's Avatar
Twiter spsm Originally Posted by Ripmany

I do not know what that means but all of the clocks in my house just stopped and my Dr Pepper is now floating over my head. Please don't do that again.
matchingmole's Avatar
Just more proof that Trump is a dumb ass
  • oeb11
  • 08-06-2020, 04:40 PM
DPST's are unable to comprehend the difference between 'proof' and their own misguided opinions - led largely by the marxist LSM and DPST party.
Grace Preston's Avatar
DPST's are unable to comprehend the difference between 'proof' and their own misguided opinions - led largely by the marxist LSM and DPST party. Originally Posted by oeb11

Explain how the OP posting a portion of what Trump said today has anything to do with opinions...

I find it funny that a twice divorced man who openly admits to not being into the parenting thing... who has had numerous affairs and even paid off one of them finds room to make a religious judgment on a man who raised his children after his wife and one of his kids died in a car accident-- who is an active member of his church.

Trump has a lot of areas where he can easily attack Biden... faith and religion isn't really one of them. Biden has a LOT of skeletons and low hanging fruit that can be attacked.. Trump should stick to what he knows.
  • oeb11
  • 08-06-2020, 07:33 PM
i am not a fan of Trump - and did not vote for him in 2016.

This election - the marxist radicals leave no choice.

Trump has handled the country far more to my principles than H... would have. or either Biden or the marxist radical he will name as VP will.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Trump has gone full retard now. You never go full retard when you want to be reelected. I guess he didn't get the memo. He's just a big joke now on borrowed time... sorry Trump lovers but that complete fool is gone in a few months.
smokedog01's Avatar
Explain how the OP posting a portion of what Trump said today has anything to do with opinions... Originally Posted by Grace Preston

Grace you are too kind. He can't explain anything that he says. He just barfs out whatever bullet points that he heard somewhere else with no ability to expound on them whatsoever. He has to be like 70 but he still thinks putting his fingers in his ears while yelling "I can't hear you" over and over is a winning debate technique.
He can't explain anything that he says. Originally Posted by smokedog01
You saw the bitten videos too...
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Twiter spsm Originally Posted by Ripmany
I do not know what that means but all of the clocks in my house just stopped and my Dr Pepper is now floating over my head. Please don't do that again. Originally Posted by smokedog01

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BJonesBaby's Avatar
There is still hope for the Republican Party but only if they cast out this evil pariah and reclaim their decency. I think when he said he had done more for “the black people” than any one every, “with the possible exception of Abraham Lincoln,” he gave us all a true window into his soul. He really believes that.
Trump has gone full retard now. You never go full retard when you want to be reelected. I guess he didn't get the memo. He's just a big joke now on borrowed time... sorry Trump lovers but that complete fool is gone in a few months. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Well shit Joe Biden has been going full retard for forty years. He's worn out his welcome.