Have they no shame at all?

gfejunkie's Avatar
Good God! Have they no shame? They never gave two shits about Israel...


Bring on the Peace Prize! For TRUMP!
LexusLover's Avatar
Bitten's trying to claim now that "his administration" orchestrated the Israeli peace deal .....

..... speaking of no shame! Unfortunately, the LameStreamMedia won't report truth.
..... speaking of no shame! Unfortunately, the LameStreamMedia won't report truth. Originally Posted by LexusLover
for one brief shining moment mika, of mourning joe infamy, did, this very morning, have a panel discussion wherein at least praise of and recognition of the momentous event was made

not that president trump was lauded, but that the event was deemed to have worth

but still among the panelists, "caveats" and every possible negative "what if " was in almost every breath

and soon enough the show reverted to evil worthless trump killing people with covid 19
rexdutchman's Avatar
The liberal an LSM just will not give Big T any credit for anything , and the deal shows just how bad Billary and Odumboo were in the middle east ,,,