We could give trump an election "handicap"

Maybe we should just give trump a 0.000006 voter handicap. Over the past 20 years that's the average percentage of fraud. So let's give him that so he can shut the fuck up!!

Or maybe I'm just too stupid to understand what's wrong with mail in voting. Can anyone explain why mail in voting is so bad?

Even trumps own investigation found no voter fraud of any kind: https://apnews.com/f5f6a73b2af546ee9...ad-voter-fraud


Check this out: https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign...d-myth-to-rest

"One hundred forty-three cases of fraud using mailed ballots over the course of 20 years comes out to seven to eight cases per year, nationally. It also means that across the 50 states, there has been an average of three cases per state over the 20-year span. That is just one case per state every six or seven years. We are talking about an occurrence that translates to about 0.00006 percent of total votes cast."

Help me (and millions of other voters) out here. Why is the method trump uses to vote okay for him and bad for me and everyone else???
Not arguing here with you but when in the last 20 years have we voted strictly on mail in ballots on a national level?

There is a lot more voter fraud out there that does not get reported. It is only investigated in areas where there are anomalies to the previous years numbers

I don't have a problem with mail in voting. My problem is two fold. Right now it is ok to mass protest, loot any store you can, go to restaurants, drink at bars, ect... But getting off your ass, driving in your car, and casting your vote at a polling station is soooo dangerous we can't allow it? Lastly and this is on all the fucktards in Washington. We landed people on the moon over 50 years ago, we send rovers to Mars, we have self driving cars, but this is the best we got when it comes to voting???

Everyone says it is your duty to vote. I say put up someone worth voting for and I will gladly do my duty. They are all shit!!!

Or maybe I'm just too stupid to understand what's wrong with mail in voting. Can anyone explain why mail in voting is so bad?





Help me (and millions of other voters) out here. Why is the method trump uses to vote okay for him and bad for me and everyone else??? Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
There is a big difference. Trump uses an absentee ballot where you have to request it then be verified. What the Dems are proposing is universal mail in ballots where everyone who has registered gets a ballot without verifying if they are alive, still living there, qualified to cast a vote, etc.

It's obviously better to vote in person. However, many polling places - particularly in the south - closed so that the ones that are open will have to service an insane amount of potential voters. For example, one polling place in Kentucky will serve a county of over 600,000 people. Seems to me, the people in charge are discouraging people from voting in that county due to what are likely to be long lines.
Plastic Man's Avatar
leftists ...too fucking stupid ta ...understand ...absentee votin requires the ...voter ta ...prove ...they be a registered ...voter ans legally able ta ...vote ins the ....specific ...district fer ...which they dones ...needs ...a ballot ta mails ...ins
elghund's Avatar
TDS Originally Posted by JONBALLS
CDS in another thread.....

Carlos Danger's Avatar
Remember the tremendous recovery and the spectacular markets when you forget to vote again. Whew

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Remember the tremendous recovery and the spectacular markets when you forget to vote again. Whew

Originally Posted by Carlos Danger
the Waco Kid Foundation is growing exponentially!



zolly, woody, burger, carlos. WHEW!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Maybe we should just give trump a 0.000006 voter handicap. Over the past 20 years that's the average percentage of fraud. So let's give him that so he can shut the fuck up!!

Or maybe I'm just too stupid to understand what's wrong with mail in voting. Can anyone explain why mail in voting is so bad?

Even trumps own investigation found no voter fraud of any kind: https://apnews.com/f5f6a73b2af546ee9...ad-voter-fraud


Check this out: https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign...d-myth-to-rest

"One hundred forty-three cases of fraud using mailed ballots over the course of 20 years comes out to seven to eight cases per year, nationally. It also means that across the 50 states, there has been an average of three cases per state over the 20-year span. That is just one case per state every six or seven years. We are talking about an occurrence that translates to about 0.00006 percent of total votes cast."

Help me (and millions of other voters) out here. Why is the method trump uses to vote okay for him and bad for me and everyone else??? Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
An Invitation in the Mail for Election Fraud

Washington state sent a ballot to my home—which is now in Texas.

By Scott Hogenson
Aug. 2, 2020 12:23 pm ET

Uncertainties over Covid-19 have spurred significant interest in voting by mail. The process differs substantially from absentee voting, which requires a voter to file an application and creates a documented paper trail. Vote by mail is simpler: Ballots are printed and sent to registered voters, who complete and return them.

Consider Washington state. Vote by mail was required in 2011, so the government has had nearly a decade to refine the process. True to form, I received my Aug. 4 primary ballot several weeks ahead of the election date, leaving me ample time to consult my conscience and return my ballot.

The U.S. Postal Service appears to be operating fairly well. I still had plenty of time to vote because the USPS helpfully forwarded my ballot to my new address—in Texas.

Our family moved from Washington state to suburban Dallas in mid-June, but I have been invited to participate in Washington state’s August elections. So has my wife. Given that we aren’t residents of Washington, we won’t vote there. That would be fraudulent. I could probably get away with it, but the little angel on my shoulder shouted down the little devil on the other.

Therein lies but one of a cavalcade of problems with vote by mail. There’s no way of knowing how many nonresidents will receive ballots they’re not legally allowed to cast. There is no way to confirm how many eligible voters don’t receive ballots, how many dead people receive ballots, how many people receive multiple ballots, how many ballots actually make it through the mail in time, and how many ballots aren’t delivered to the place where they’re to be counted.

This anecdote isn’t unique, but you wouldn’t know that by reading the news. A Google search of “vote by mail fraud” returns articles mostly about how fraud is some sort of “myth,” a “false narrative,” something “not likely” to occur.

Even if every bureaucrat and election volunteer involved in every part of the process is honest and efficient, voting by mail is still fraught with problems. In my case, I don’t suspect malfeasance on the part of election officials. It takes time to purge voter rolls, and it’s entirely reasonable for this not to happen in the month between my move and the delivery of my ballot to Texas.

We can hope that individual voters will be honest. But passions run high in presidential election years, especially this one. Vote by mail may sound like a good idea, but it isn’t. It can’t be. It is subject to too many vagaries, too many errors, too much malevolent temptation. The American republic has done reasonably well with voting at polling places, and a radical revision of the voting process three months ahead of a presidential election would be doomed to inaccuracy and, yes, fraud.

Mr. Hogenson is president of Hogenson Communications

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Maybe we should just give trump a 0.000006 voter handicap. Over the past 20 years that's the average percentage of fraud. So let's give him that so he can shut the fuck up!!

Or maybe I'm just too stupid to understand what's wrong with mail in voting. Can anyone explain why mail in voting is so bad?

Even trumps own investigation found no voter fraud of any kind: https://apnews.com/f5f6a73b2af546ee9...ad-voter-fraud


Check this out: https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign...d-myth-to-rest

"One hundred forty-three cases of fraud using mailed ballots over the course of 20 years comes out to seven to eight cases per year, nationally. It also means that across the 50 states, there has been an average of three cases per state over the 20-year span. That is just one case per state every six or seven years. We are talking about an occurrence that translates to about 0.00006 percent of total votes cast."

Help me (and millions of other voters) out here. Why is the method trump uses to vote okay for him and bad for me and everyone else??? Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher

Yes America, there is voter fraud. These recent cases prove it.

From Frank Sinatra's hometown in Hoboken, N.J., to LA's Skid Row, dozens of mail-in, absentee and ballot box fraud cases have emerged.

Many news media, political activists and social media giants have gotten on the bandwagon that voter fraud is fiction. It is not.

A review of court cases and recent indictments – including one this week in Philadelphia against a former congressman – finds there have been at least four dozen cases in criminal and civil court since the last presidential election in 2016 in which voter fraud has led to charges, convictions, lawsuits or plea deals.

The schemes have ranged from old fashion ballot box stuffing to absentee and mail-in ballot fraud.

Here are a dozen of the more egregious examples.

Philly Fraud Case Expands

The U.S. Justice Department this past week charged former Democratic congressman Michael Myers with stuffing ballot boxes, bribing an elected official, falsifying records, obstructing justice and voting multiple times in federal elections in Philadelphia.

Myers was the second official charged in the scheme.

Domenick DeMuro, a Democratic ward chairman in that city, admitted in a plea deal that he had "fraudulently stuffed the ballot box by literally standing in a voting booth and voting over and over, as fast as he could, while he thought the coast was clear," prosecutors said.

DeMuro allegedly had a network of clients who paid him significant sums of money to rig elections over several years.

New Jersey mail-in ballot scheme exposed

Four New Jersey residents, including one city council member and one city councilmen-elect in Patterson, N.J., were charged last month in what state officials was a mail-in ballot fraud scheme. The four were charged with multiple crimes including voting fraud, tampering with public records and unauthorized possession of multiple vote-by-mail ballots.

West Virginia mail carrier nabbed in mail-in ballot scheme

A mail carrier in Pendleton County, W.V., recently admitted to investigators that he altered mail-in voting ballot documents. The U.S. Attorney's Office of the Northern District of West Virginia said in a press release in June that it was charging Thomas Cooper, a worker with the U.S. Postal Service, with "attempted election fraud."

An affidavit supplied by that office to Just the News states the Pendleton County Clerk received several absentee mail-in ballot requests "in which the voter’s party-ballot request appeared to have been altered by use of a black-ink pen." On five of the requests, "it appeared that the voters ballot choice was changed from Democrat to Republican

California voter fraud conviction exposes Skid Row scheme

In February, 62-year-old Norman Hall pled guilty in a scheme to pay money and cigarettes to homeless people on Los Angeles’ Skid Row in exchange for false and forged signatures on ballot petitions and voter registration forms. Hall got a year in jail.

Illinois let non-citizens register to vote in blunder

In January, Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White disclosed in a letter to the Legislature that a “programming error” in a signature pad at driver services facilities led to 574 non-U.S. citizens accidentally being registered as voters. At least one, and perhaps as many as 15, non-citizens may have voted in the 2018 election. White’s office says the problem has been fixed.

“We view it as a significant problem,” Matt Dietrich of the Illinois State Board Of Elections said at the time.

Alabama Absentee Fraud

In 2019, former Gordon, Ala., Mayor Elbert Melton was convicted of absentee ballot fraud in a mayoral race he won by just 16 votes.

Melton was sentenced recently to one year in prison and two years of probation after his conviction on charges of absentee ballot fraud and second-degree theft of property.

Pay-to-Vote Scheme exposed in New Jersey

New Jersey real estate developer Frank Raia, 67, a Democrat, was convicted in 2019 of overseeing a scheme to pay low-income residents in Hoboken’s subsidized housing $50 for their votes in the 2013 election.

Wisconsin county supervisor admits to ballot fraud

Former Milwaukee County Supervisor Peggy West, 47, pleaded guilty in 2018 to election fraud for falsifying signatures on petitions to qualify for the spring election.

Prosecutors said several people whose names appear on West's nomination petition told a detective they never signed. Two even said the printed name next to their bogus signatures were not spelled correctly.

Absentee Ballot Theft in Florida

In 2018, authorities arrested Florida man Bret Warren after they determined he had stolen five absentee ballots and fraudulently voted with them. Warren eventually pled no contest to two charges of false swearing in connection with voting.

Wife of mayoral candidate nabbed in New Mexico

In 2018, New Mexico authorities indicted Laura Seeds on 13 counts of voter fraud related to her husband's 2016 mayoral race. Seeds was eventually convicted in part for illegally possessing two absentee voter ballots; her husband Robert won the race by two votes.

Indiana cop convicted of voter fraud to help father win race

In 2016, Indiana police officer Lowell Colen was convicted of absentee ballot fraud in an attempt to help his father win a city council election. Colen eventually pled guilty to four felony counts of voter fraud, with prosecutors claiming he filled out false registrations and forged numerous signatures.

Double voting in Arizona

Last month, Randy Allen Jumper pleaded guilty in Arizona to attempting to vote in two states during the 2016 general election: Arizona and Nevada. He was also charged with falsely signing a statement vowing not to vote in the general election anywhere but Arizona.

Arizona officials said at the time of his plea they have brough about 20 cases of voter fraud in the last decade against people who tried to vote in two states in the same election.

hey woody, did ya hear the story about Trump's postal gestapo stealing mailboxes in the middle of the night?

neither did i


zolly, woody, burger, carlos. WHEW!
CDS in another thread.....

elg...... Originally Posted by elghund

link . not doubting hes posting stupid shit there also

elghund's Avatar

link . not doubting hes posting stupid shit there also

but Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Cuomo Derangement Syndrome......works both ways, ya know.

Cuomo Derangement Syndrome......works both ways, ya know.

elg..... Originally Posted by elghund

oh, cuhomo fan..

which are you

1. made it in life and now don't think any other business person should , so keep loading the restrictions on peoples livlihoods

2. couldn't create a business , still managed to eek out some pension and now am jealous of freedom loving business people buildimg wealth from the ground up without a formal education of any kind yet are wealthy and enjoying life , probably get hotter women
so they need to be punished with taxes and regulation
Plastic Man's Avatar
3. the jimmie who reaches ins ans ...uncloggs ...yer shitter