Wild Fires in California kill and leave people homeless

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Is this Gavin Newsome's fault? After all, according to liberal logic the virus was Trump's fault even if it was cooked up in a Chinese laboratory. Newsome blames the fires on lightning strikes all over the state. How convenient... Now Newsome has to go back on Green Deal policies and go back to fossil fuels for electricity. Another convenient fact.

I'm going to say it...Newsome started the wild fires that are killing plants and animals. Okay, people too.

  • oeb11
  • 08-22-2020, 10:24 AM
Kalifornia prohibits the clearance of underbrush that feeds the wildfire. Their promise of Soylent Green New Deal renewable energy is a flase front - it does not work as a primary system.

They are destroying their own power provider with political hacks at the helm of PG&E - and multitudinous lawsuits which will be paid by taxpayer monies eventually - and the end of power distribution in Kalfornia.

care to live in a hut with no electricity, water, or police protection - move to Kalifornia - the DPST ideologic Paradise - Uber alles!!!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
News flash: Deadly wildfires leave people homeless.

I don't think you have the chops to be funny. I do enjoy your academic interpretation of WWII history. Dry, but studious.
  • oeb11
  • 08-22-2020, 01:43 PM
9500- You are welcome to move to the Socialist state of kalifornia - and take your marxist Socialism with you to a group who think they want it.

enjoy the burned ruin which will be kalifornia in a few years.

As your beloved gov Gruesome always says - "We did not see this coming"!!!!

Mushrooms - may be dangerous to your health - some varieties are poisonous.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Who said the origin of the virus was trump's fault?
The spread of the virus is what is being blamed on him.
Do you understand the difference between the 2 claims?
Do you have a link showing trump being blamed for the origin of the virus?
Do you ever read? California had 20,000 plus lightening strikes.


Is this Gavin Newsome's fault? After all, according to liberal logic the virus was Trump's fault even if it was cooked up in a Chinese laboratory. Newsome blames the fires on lightning strikes all over the state. How convenient... Now Newsome has to go back on Green Deal policies and go back to fossil fuels for electricity. Another convenient fact.

I'm going to say it...Newsome started the wild fires that are killing plants and animals. Okay, people too.

https://news.yahoo.com/california-fi...204929058.html Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Same blather from you during the last bunch of wildfires.
Just like trump you frequently use debunked information.

57% of California forests are owned by the federal government.
40% are privately owned.
3% are controlled by the State of California.


Kalifornia prohibits the clearance of underbrush that feeds the wildfire. Their promise of Soylent Green New Deal renewable energy is a flase front - it does not work as a primary system.

They are destroying their own power provider with political hacks at the helm of PG&E - and multitudinous lawsuits which will be paid by taxpayer monies eventually - and the end of power distribution in Kalfornia.

care to live in a hut with no electricity, water, or police protection - move to Kalifornia - the DPST ideologic Paradise - Uber alles!!! Originally Posted by oeb11
  • oeb11
  • 08-22-2020, 03:16 PM
Blue Meanie is back - and on Ignore - thank Heavens!
sorry - I know any mention of heaven or religion other than Islam is offensive to DPST'a!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
You've been corrected again.

Back? Whatever.
Do you ever go outside? You still averaging over 30 posts a day?

Ignore doesn't protect you mr. ostrich. You just had a cactus shoved up your head-in-the-sand ass.
You're like trump. You rely on sheer numbers to hide how often you are wrong. I'll have to settle for listening to you squeal when trump loses.
Too bad you won't live long enough to see you are wrong about most things. Too bad that is for you. You're dying from the inside out.

Ignore that.
Blue Meanie is back - and on Ignore - thank Heavens!
sorry - I know any mention of heaven or religion other than Islam is offensive to DPST'a! Originally Posted by oeb11
HoeHummer's Avatar
Blue Meanie is back - and on Ignore - thank Heavens!
sorry - I know any mention of heaven or religion other than Islam is offensive to DPST'a! Originally Posted by oeb11
Wherevers do you come up with this blather oebsy? Or did someone tell you what you were ignoring s?

That said, it looks like the Trumpettes are more patriotic than ever. Finger pointings while your nation burns.
winn dixie's Avatar
I hope that the shithole states of kalifornia and kolorado burn off the map!
HoeHummer's Avatar
I hope that the shithole states of kalifornia and kolorado burn off the map! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Of course you do!

winn dixie's Avatar
Of course you do! Originally Posted by HoeHummer
I really do!
HedonistForever's Avatar
Who said the origin of the virus was trump's fault?
The spread of the virus is what is being blamed on him.
Do you understand the difference between the 2 claims?
Do you have a link showing trump being blamed for the origin of the virus?
Do you ever read? California had 20,000 plus lightening strikes.

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

Good question. I don't see the use of the word "origin" anywhere, used by anybody, so why would you use a word that nobody has said? Oh! to be a smart ass. Well you succeeded.

You'll have to excuse those who think Pelosi calling it the Trump virus and blaming its spread on Trump just might lead some people to conclude that it's all Trump's fault and the word "origin" didn't occur to them.

While an argument could be made albeit in my opinion a dubious one, that Trump could have done some things different in the beginning but equally perhaps if the Obama administration had followed it's own guidelines and left the country prepared with enough PPE/ millions of N95 masks, it might not have gotten out of control. Maybe if Dr. Fauci had not told us as late as March that there was no need for Americans to change their behavior "at that time", it might have turned out better.


But what isn't in doubt from a legal, Constitutional perspective, is that Trump had no authority, which Gov. Cuomo reminded him of, to order individual States to do anything. Federalism calls for each state to decide how it was going to handle the virus, an authority that they demanded. The only authority Trump had involved federal buildings and federal lands, something he was reminded of in Portland.

Could Trump have been a better leader? Perhaps, assuming that people like you would have listened to him like when he was first criticized for stopping flights from China, only later to be told he didn't act quickly enough. An all to familiar refrain.

The "control" or lack there of, was completely in the hands of the Governor's, just like they insisted.

One of the biggest reasons why many other countries did better than us is because authoritarian governments able to violate citizens rights could be more effective. Countries with less hate for their leaders might also be more effective.

I see that places like South Korea praised for their quick, effective response is now having a second wave.

Health officials in South Korea believe the country is going through a second wave of coronavirus, despite recording relatively low numbers. The country had been a success story in dealing with Covid-19, but now expects the pandemic to continue for months.Jun 22, 2020

Maybe nobody has all the answers and if Biden is elected, he said in an interview that when he is sworn in, in Jan., if the scientist tell him it would be best if the whole country was shut down again, that's what he would do but he can't, now can he? Do you think he understands that?

Some wise person said tonight that shutting down the country is no longer a viable option, that we will just have to learn to live with and deal with this virus until herd immunity is reached or an effective vacine comes along.

That's what I expect to hear from our next leader not that he will utterly destroy the economy waiting for zero deaths.

I can't help but wonder how many Americans when they hear that Biden would like to shut down the country if he wins and the virus isn't under "total" control or what ever he and Fauci deem under control, will think of that idea.

And what do we suppose the Gov. of California would say if President Trump said he was sending in troops to clear brush on federal lands? Think he might object the way Portland rejected federal interference even when the federal government had the right to go into Portland to protect federal buildings.

Maybe there is nobody to Blame but God for fires in California but it sure as hell isn't the fault of Trump unless of course one believe that "everything" is Trump's fault and there is a lot of that going around.

  • oeb11
  • 08-23-2020, 09:59 AM
HF - +1
LexusLover's Avatar

The spread of the virus is what is being blamed on him.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Actually, the virus spread is your fault. Your denial will be proof that it is your fault!

As for the OP topic, the annual "wild fires" in California are your fault also.
LexusLover's Avatar
Good question. I don't see the use of the word "origin" anywhere, used by anybody, so why would you use a word that nobody has said? Oh! to be a smart ass. Well you succeeded.
[SIZE=3] Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I didn't read the remainder of your post. I stopped at the above FACT!

What Munchie and the dwindling remainder of the rest of the delusional CommunistSocialistLiberalAntiT rumpers use as a tool to divert attention away from their own deeply engrained deficiencies as critical cognitive thinkers (proven now by the nomination of a dementia infested retardo as a Presidential candidate and a cocksucking whore with ZERO EXPERIENCE as the "head" of anything as his running mate) is to create a fake allegation that cannot be refuted, because it's fake, and then claim it's not true!

The secondary position is to just blame Trump for their fuckups!

A California mayor claimed on a Fox interview yesterday that the lack of "clearing" to prevent brush fires was the fault of the Feds, because the Feds own so much Federally protected land in California ....

.... That claim sort of begs the question of who is authorizing Californians to build homes on Federally PROTECTED LANDS and then telling them they cannot clear the undergrowth away from the existing mature trees in the FEDERAL FOREST IN WHICH THEY ARE BUILDING THEIR HOMES!!!

He, of course, was diverting attention away FROM THE FACT that 1,000's of Californians are without power, because the "wild fires" are INTERUPTING THEIR GREEN ENERGY grid systems!!! For which they have no fossil fuel alternative as per CALIFORNIA STATE LAWS!!!

Looks like PissLousy and her "Golden Idea State" have fucked up again!