Potential GOP candidate Blasted at his own rally- Americans are tired of the GOP!!!

wellendowed1911's Avatar
As I said before the GOP is in deep trouble- America now knows from the recent deficit debacle that Republicans want to protect the Rich and corporations- here is front runner and potential GOP nominee Mitt Romney getting blasted and scolded at his own Rally.


You see Whirlway- Americans are tired of the lies and do nothing Republicans- they tired of everything for the Ryan plan- that wanted to replace Medicare with vouchers to the GOP refusing to raise taxes on the wealthy and Corporations- the GOP will pay come Nov 2012.
waverunner234's Avatar
What's the alternative? Donald Trump?
Well, that was a good video. People aren't just tired, their a bit afraid too, especially the elderly who are on a fixed income and have medical issues. Anyway keep posting those videos ok.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Of course the elderly are afraid. Republicans want to turn Medicare into a voucher system with declining benefits and put them into the tender clutches of the insurance industry. They should be more scared than they are.
Of course the elderly are afraid. Republicans want to turn Medicare into a voucher system with declining benefits and put them into the tender clutches of the insurance industry. They should be more scared than they are. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
"Deep Trouble"...........your too funny Wellendowed......

Probably just another deranged leftie bused in by some fringe group. Afterall, Obama's campgain is telling people that they are going to 'Kill Romney" so it isn't any suprise that their rhetoric would inflame other like minded kooks.....

The Obama campgain is trying to terrorize Republicans and inflame the American streets with that kind of action(s). It will backlash - just like it has in London.

See the following link on Obama's "Kill Romney" re-election strategy...the Obama team may have blood on their hands if this continues......


It is what the dumb left does; they can't win the arguements with middle america so they do this kind of shit ! They try to intimidate, shout down; and ultimately silence those they disagree with.

Look at what the left did in Wisconsin !

What is telling is that you actually think this kook represents America.
Deep Trouble for Obama you mean........


As I said before the GOP is in deep trouble- Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
WyldemanATX's Avatar
I thought he handled the kook well. He at least let the guy speak and the guy did not want to shut up to let him answer his question. I like when he said if you want someone to raise taxes don't vote for me. I thought the left was supposed to be more civilized??? They need to at least show some tact and not act like a bunch of whining brats. Speak with your vote.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I thought he handled the kook well. He at least let the guy speak and the guy did not want to shut up to let him answer his question. I like when he said if you want someone to raise taxes don't vote for me. I thought the left was supposed to be more civilized??? They need to at least show some tact and not act like a bunch of whining brats. Speak with your vote. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Can you prove that those 2 people were Democrats? did you see the Paul Ryan townhouse meetings : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfegLR6YxQg

You know the irony of this is when people were raising health about Health Care at Town house meetings the GOP, RUSH and Faux news were encouraging seniors to go to these town hall hall meetings and show your anger- but now that the tables of turn people like Ryan want peace and order when people raise hell at their town hall meetings- oh I love the irony!!!!

I love how Romney says tax breaks for corporations go into peoples pockets -LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE ROMNEY!!!!
Did anyone noticed how Romney couldn't get out of the question asked by Pawlenty(sp) about Barack Obama molding Obamacare after Mitt Romney's plan? Good luck Mitt Romney if you get the nod to try and say Obamaccare is bad when it's a mirror image of your plan- right down to it being a mandate that you have to carry it.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Deep Trouble for Obama you mean........

http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/n...kt15VwRHQgGWTL Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Hmmm you quote something from the NY post??? Ownedby Rupert Murdoch you know the old fart whose company is catching hell in Europe for invasion of privacy lol and you want me to take something from the NY post seriously??? LMFAO!!!
It is a Quinnipiac poll you dummy...Quinnipiac leans democratic in most of their surveys !

Hmmm you quote something from the NY post??? Ownedby Rupert Murdoch you know the old fart whose company is catching hell in Europe for invasion of privacy lol and you want me to take something from the NY post seriously??? LMFAO!!! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
YOU are the IDIOT, Whirlybird! The ONLY way you can determine which way a poll MIGHT lean is to look at the questions and the polling sample information. Idiots like you are full of blanket statements because you watch too much Fox "News" and Listen to Rush "cooked his own hearing" Limbaugh.