Ok, been wanting to give a heads up to my fellows about a dine and dash girl of STG. I pulled a noob move on Saturday that I keep kicking myself on.
Been hitting up a lot of #'s here recently, I lost my status recently (hence this thread here and not in the men's section) and had been looking for a date only to get no response or can't seem to find a mutual date/time.
Thought I'd finally hit on a date last Saturday evening with Jaida/Jayda from STG.
Meet at a no-tell-motel off MLK. After seeing that she's real and matched the AD, nuked the text messages (that's a long story why).
She asked for the donation up-front which should have been a clue, and I did. She asked for me to wash my hands due to COVID and I obliged. While I was doing that, boom out the door she went, me none the wiser.
Turned around and knew immediately I got screwed, figuratively.
Been searching for her AD so that I could link it but can't find it now but it had Fayetteville/Ft. Smith on the location. She's thin, maybe 5'5", 110 or so, shoulder length raven hair, early to mid 20'.
What kills me is that she went all out for the show. Left a purse (cheap one), notes on a piece of paper of "to-do's", some Arby's sack with a drink that was still cold.
I'll give her creds for putting on a show....she got me good.
So...BOLO for her. Her pics on there do match. If you have doubts hit me up and I'll look at the AD and see if it's her.
Will advise if/when I have anything else to help you all.