Trump: No More, No Less.

ICU 812's Avatar
No More, No Less

The public discussion of policy issues; Corona Virus policy, societal racism, economic policy and international relations to name a few topics, are frequently overshadowed or distorted by one's view of President Donald Trump. This interferes with the evolution or implementation of well examined policy. One may have strong views on mandatory vaccination or carbon emission limits for vehicles, but if the person of the President is paramount in the discussion, the policy outcome may be ineffectual or at best sub-optimal..

We have had presidents in the past who, in retrospect, were open to strong criticisms much as President Trump is today.

• Franklin Roosevelt was a womanizer before becoming paralyzed. He is also considered to have high-handedly violated The Constitution in many ways during The Great Depression and later during WW-II.
• President Truman the use of nuclear weapons, and later nationalized railroads and steel mills with federal troops.
• President Kennedy had extramarital affaires while he was president, some assignations took place inside the White house.
• President Nixon systematically abused power to ensure that he remained in power. Eventually he was impeached.
• President Clinton was an admitted womanizer in and out of office. He too was impeached. Eventually he was charged with perjury and disbarred as a lawyer.

With all that said, each of these men are recognized for accomplishing significant things while in office.

President Trump with his personal faults, is in good company historically speaking. Let's focus on the policy discussions, not the man.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Trump would call you a loser.

For once, I would agree with him.

Your false equivalency ... or even to mention of those others in the same post with the great Orange Colostomybags ... is an indication of your lack of perspective where Trumps is concerned.

Great idea ... so let’s talk about voter suppression and kids in cages.
ICU 812's Avatar

As my sainted mother used to say, "Sticks and stones . . . "

More ad holmium arguments often stated on this forum:

"Trump is a racist":
President Woodrow Wilson was a serious racist.
Senator Robert Byrd was a top Kue Klux Klan leader in West Virginia.

"Trump is a Misogynist"

President John Kennedy
AG Robert Kennedy
Senator Ted Kennedy
President Bill Clinton
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
All are or have been publicly exposed as egregious misogynists.

"Trump Colluded to subvert the election"
Hillary Clinton colluded with DNC Chairwoman, Donna Brazill , to rig the Democrat nominating convention against her opponent, Sen, Sanders.

President Obama told the Russian Ambassador to tell Vladimir Putin that negotiations could be more flexible in his second term if Obama was re-elected . . . .on an open microphone.

"Trump is physically or mentally unfit to be president"

President Woodrow Wilson is today recognized to have been unable to conduct business in the last years of his presidency.
The same is true for President Franklin Roosevelt who died in office.

President Reagan developed What is now called Alzheimer's during the last year of his second term.

Bill Clinton never has released his medical records (Trump did).

Joe Biden has publicly demonstrated progressively diminishing cognitive capacity on numerous occasions.

President Trump may be any or all of those things , but he is in historically great company.
rexdutchman's Avatar
DPST """ but I only want to believe in what he box tells me """"
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
No More, No Less

The public discussion of policy issues; Corona Virus policy, societal racism, economic policy and international relations to name a few topics, are frequently overshadowed or distorted by one's view of President Donald Trump. This interferes with the evolution or implementation of well examined policy. One may have strong views on mandatory vaccination or carbon emission limits for vehicles, but if the person of the President is paramount in the discussion, the policy outcome may be ineffectual or at best sub-optimal..

We have had presidents in the past who, in retrospect, were open to strong criticisms much as President Trump is today.

• Franklin Roosevelt was a womanizer before becoming paralyzed. He is also considered to have high-handedly violated The Constitution in many ways during The Great Depression and later during WW-II.
• President Truman the use of nuclear weapons, and later nationalized railroads and steel mills with federal troops.
• President Kennedy had extramarital affaires while he was president, some assignations took place inside the White house.
• President Nixon systematically abused power to ensure that he remained in power. Eventually he was impeached.
• President Clinton was an admitted womanizer in and out of office. He too was impeached. Eventually he was charged with perjury and disbarred as a lawyer.

With all that said, each of these men are recognized for accomplishing significant things while in office.

President Trump with his personal faults, is in good company historically speaking. Let's focus on the policy discussions, not the man.
Originally Posted by ICU 812

you have one error in posting. Nixon was not impeached. he resigned.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Trump would call you a loser.

For once, I would agree with him.

Your false equivalency ... or even to mention of those others in the same post with the great Orange Colostomybags ... is an indication of your lack of perspective where Trumps is concerned.

Great idea ... so let’s talk about voter suppression and kids in cages. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Did not T R U M P put and end to caging thing, which was occurring under the Obama administration? As far supposedly calling military personnel losers years ago, does that really matter? He's obviously been heavily supporting our military since he's been in office. Even if he has said something like that prior to getting in office, it's just gossip and actions speak louder than words.
Trump would call you a loser.

For once, I would agree with him.

Your false equivalency ... or even to mention of those others in the same post with the great Orange Colostomybags ... is an indication of your lack of perspective where Trumps is concerned.

Great idea ... so let’s talk about voter suppression and kids in cages. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
All of those kids in cages photos were taken during the Obongo administration. Do you really think anyone supports Slow Joe? They just don't like Trump and are cutting off their noses to spite their faces.
out of that list, I never had a problem with Truman using nuclear weapons, granted it was before my time but if nukes would have been skipped for a beach invasion of Japan there would have been way more casualties on both sides, the fanatic way the Japanese fought to the death to keep small islands out in the Pacific meant they would have fought even harder for their homeland.

If we wouldn't have used them then how would our citizens react to thousands of our dead troops on the beach?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
out of that list, I never had a problem with Truman using nuclear weapons, granted it was before my time but if nukes would have been skipped for a beach invasion of Japan there would have been way more casualties on both sides, the fanatic way the Japanese fought to the death to keep small islands out in the Pacific meant they would have fought even harder for their homeland.

If we wouldn't have used them then how would our citizens react to thousands of our dead troops on the beach? Originally Posted by sexykarma
theres a fictional book on this. its called the "Burning Mountain" by Alfred Coppel 1983. its a good read.
matchingmole's Avatar
more or less a cat ass trophe