Spas may get a break with Police Chiefs Resignation

MYQUEST's Avatar
Christmas comes early for all of us...hopefully. With the Dallas Police Chiefs resignations, hopefully some heat will be off the Spa scene. how can we make sure that a pro-spa male gets that position and focuses on real crime in Dallas.
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 09-08-2020, 07:13 PM
I'll take the job.
Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
I hope that things change for the better. A big mistake was to focus on petty crime and AMPs while the Dallas murder rate soared.
David Hasselhoff's Avatar
I am hopeful Dallas focus on murders and domestic violence issues.
If the Spas were actually contributing to trafficking, I would go along with closing them down, but the Ladies are making big bucks and it is going in their pockets...I have had many that told me after a few years on their backs, they will have enough to retire...and not to their hometowns, but to California, NY...etc.
I hope that things change for the better. A big mistake was to focus on petty crime and AMPs while the Dallas murder rate soared. Originally Posted by Mental AtrraXXXion
Focusing on victimless crimes while murder rates increased showed inefficient allocation of resources.

However, all these police chiefs resigning could also be a protest against a lack of political support.
If the Spas were actually contributing to trafficking, I would go along with closing them down, but the Ladies are making big bucks and it is going in their pockets...I have had many that told me after a few years on their backs, they will have enough to retire...and not to their hometowns, but to California, NY...etc. Originally Posted by 4MYPLEASURE
Good for them I hope they make it someplace nice.

However, people are moving out of LA and NYC due to poor city management and priorities.
David Hasselhoff's Avatar
Looks like she is staying on for the remainder of the year. Very smart City Manager. Going to be a record year for crime, murder and domestic violence in Dallas. Time for both of them to go.
  • cosoj
  • 09-08-2020, 09:24 PM
All things considered, she tolerated the AMPs. She disbanded the Vice unit for more than a year. And Dallas didn't have the BLM rioting and looting like Houston, NYC, and other cities because DPD sent out a message early that it would not be tolerated. Dallas may make Johnny Law the next chief, and then you really will miss the good old days when there were AMPs on NW Highway, Walnut Hill, Harry Hines, and Emerald Dr., and only a few raids a year. I remember when DPD used to raid all the porn shops almost every fall back when Henry Wade was DA. They actually arrested people for participating in football pools.
Chung Tran's Avatar
But cosoj, those ''good old days'' were 2 years ago. Hall managed to decimate the AMP scene in about 18 months. How bad is she, when we here despise her reign, and so does a majority of her Officers?
Nov.10 is her last day...not the end of the year, unless some has changed.
David Hasselhoff's Avatar
Nov.10 is her last day...not the end of the year, unless some has changed. Originally Posted by 4MYPLEASURE
Check out the news. Date done change, but who knows.
MYQUEST's Avatar
Just read the Chief’s seems to explain a lot of her drive to shut down the Spas and heavily patrol the stroll areas. An interesting read.
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 09-08-2020, 11:25 PM
Just read the Chief’s seems to explain a lot of her drive to shut down the Spas and heavily patrol the stroll areas. An interesting read. Originally Posted by MYQUEST
Where is her bio? Can you share?

Btw, once I take over as PC, my first act would be to arrest that bitchass Judge Jenkins.