Trump Is Such a Bad Guy

ICU 812's Avatar
o liberals say that President Donald Trump is such a bad guy . . . .

"Trump is a racist":
President Woodrow Wilson was a serious racist.
Senator Robert Byrd was a top Kue Klux Klan leader in West Virginia.

"Trump is a Misogynist"
• President John Kennedy
• AG Robert Kennedy
• Senator Ted Kennedy
• President Bill Clinton
• Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
All are or have been publically exposed as egregious misogynists.

"Trump Colluded to subvert the election"
• Hillary Clinton colluded with DNC Chairwoman, Donna Brazill , to rig the Democrat nominating convention against her opponent, Sen, Sanders.
• President Obama told the Russian Ambassador to tell Vladimir Putin that negotiations could be more flexible in his second term if Obama was re-elected . . . .on an open microphone.

"Trump is physically or mentally unfit to be president"
• President Woodrow Wilson is today recognized to have been unable to conduct business in the last years of his presidency.
• The same is true for President Franklin Roosevelt who died in ofice.
• President Reagan developed Alzheimer's during the last year of his second term.
• Bill Clinton never has released his medical records (Trump did).
• Joe Biden has publicly demonstrated progressively diminishing cognitive capacity on numerous occasions.
  • oeb11
  • 09-17-2020, 12:27 PM
Trump has his flaws - I would like to him decide not to seek re-election and put up Pence.

Not happening.However - with harris and DPST imposition of marxism the alternative - there is no other logical choice.
ICU 812's Avatar
Trump has his flaws - I would like to him decide not to seek re-election and put up Pence.

Not happening.However - with harris and DPST imposition of marxism the alternative - there is no other logical choice. Originally Posted by oeb11

You are 100% on that.

I didn't/couldn't vote for DJT in 2016. I voted for the Libertatien. Voted for someone else in the primary too. This time around I was hoping for a strong primary challenger; Ted Cruse perhaps . . . but no.

In any case, this time around I am not looking at the presidential candidates as the main reason for voting one way or the other. BOTH are deeply flawed men. For me it is not about voting for this or that politician. We have had other deeply flawed men in that position before/ Many of them accomplished pretty great things too.

No, this time, as you pointed out, its about voting AGAINST; against those who would turn the USA into Venezuela or Cuba.
matchingmole's Avatar
Lucas McCain's Avatar
So the OP's point is that if others are fucked up it's okay if I am? Cool, I think I'll just go start murdering people now and join in on the weekend fun in Chicago where I know I won't get arrested.

That's some great logic - because other people are a certain way, it's okay for me to be that way. That makes perfect logical sense to only a child.
rexdutchman's Avatar
I don't like his personality but 100% better then Joeys & Hoeys
  • oeb11
  • 09-21-2020, 09:09 AM
LM - OP showed the hypocrisy of the DPST party
Forget 'History" - something they wish to 'cancel" out - and force America to re-learn lessons previously taught - such as Sen. Joseph McCarthy, for example.

Schiff and Nadler both took pages from his playbook.
rexdutchman's Avatar
My opinion is the funny part is the DNC put him in office in2016 they "took out all the good candidates on both sides leaving Billary and him so just more DPST Hypocrisy in action.