Bloomberg Just wow

rexdutchman's Avatar
Bloomberg is paying off felony fines in Florida so they can vote !!

The non racists dim-wits are paying Black and Latins fines in exchange for voting ,,,,,,,

Just how far will they go

Oh no violation of Florida law 104.061 felony oh no MR Bill

This should be good GO
It wouldn't surprise me at all to know that hundreds of boxes containing the "votes" of illegal voters and dead voters are being stored in multiple counties in Florida, and in other states where the election results may be too close to call, just waiting to be "discovered" in the weeks following the election, should Trump win ..... if you thought the Bush/Gore election fuck-up was a mess, you ain't seen nothin' yet ..... the dumbocrats are on a mission to fuck up, contest, demand recounts, stall for time, "find votes", and any other tactic they can come up with to assure a Biden/Harris victory, even if on election night Trump clearly has enough electoral votes and enough popular votes to claim a victory .....
Missburger's Avatar
It wouldn't surprise me at all to know that hundreds of boxes containing the "votes" of illegal voters and dead voters are being stored in multiple counties in Florida, and in other states where the election results may be too close to call, just waiting to be "discovered" in the weeks following the election, should Trump win ..... if you thought the Bush/Gore election fuck-up was a mess, you ain't seen nothin' yet ..... the dumbocrats are on a mission to fuck up, contest, demand recounts, stall for time, "find votes", and any other tactic they can come up with to assure a Biden/Harris victory, even if on election night Trump clearly has enough electoral votes and enough popular votes to claim a victory ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
Trump won’t be ahead

Health care virus economy

He’s done history says that
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Dude, lay off {staff edit-CK}. Trump will win Florida (and the election in general) easily. Everyone knows this, first and foremost democrat politicians, which is why they’re building in chaos months before a single ballot is counted.
  • oeb11
  • 09-23-2020, 09:29 AM
Poor fidel - such a shame to waste a life being a master Troll baiter!
it would be grand for Florida - if the OP is correct - to issue arrest warrants for bloomie and all involved in the scheme.

Put joey and hoey and bloomie in the jail before the election they are desperate to scam.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Bloomberg is paying off felony fines in Florida so they can vote !!

The non racists dim-wits are paying Black and Latins fines in exchange for voting ,,,,,,,

Just how far will they go

Oh no violation of Florida law 104.061 felony oh no MR Bill

This should be good GO Originally Posted by rexdutchman

can you quote the florida statue you mentioned?
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yup type in your search bar FSS 104.61
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Poor fidel - such a shame to waste a life being a master Troll baiter!
it would be grand for Florida - if the OP is correct - to issue arrest warrants for bloomie and all involved in the scheme.

Put joey and hoey and bloomie in the jail before the election they are desperate to scam. Originally Posted by oeb11

poor fidel indeed. appears he stepped on a nuke land mine in UPSET NY forums. won't be back until almost time for Lord Trump's coronation.

The non racists dim-wits are paying Black and Latins fines in exchange for voting Originally Posted by rexdutchman
No whites are getting their fines paid?

Oh I get it, you implying that only blacks and latins are felons. I see.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I think he's talking about bailing out BLM rioters so they can vote. Felons aren't allowed to vote.

They would be smart to choose minorities because they will be statistically more likely to vote democrat.
billw1032's Avatar
No whites are getting their fines paid?

Oh I get it, you implying that only blacks and latins are felons. I see. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
No. Implying that blacks and latins are more likely to vote for Biden. He's trying to buy around 32,000 more democrat votes in Florida.
winn dixie's Avatar
da blacman 0 is just a racist troll baiter!
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Trump won’t be ahead

Health care virus economy

He’s done history says that Originally Posted by Missburger
I unfamiliar with this history you're talking about. Economy has always (except for war) overshadowed everything. Today is no different. Go back to the Gulag for some processed news and opinion.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I think he's talking about bailing out BLM rioters so they can vote. Felons aren't allowed to vote.

They would be smart to choose minorities because they will be statistically more likely to vote democrat. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
They can in Florida and a couple of other states. In Florida, they have to be current with their PO and pay a fine which is where Bloomberg has come in.
HedonistForever's Avatar
No whites are getting their fines paid?

Oh I get it, you implying that only blacks and latins are felons. I see. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Good grief man, your first sentence suggests you understand that there are White felons. What is being implied and just might be proven in court, is only those likely to vote for Biden will have their fines paid.