i count Ten - new threads from the marxist, racist DPST contingent glorifying and exulting that Trump has wuhan virus infection. With attendant wishes to die, etc.
not to mention the Melanie hates christmas and puts kids in cages for christmas nonsense.
None of these threads have any refeernces or authentication - just DPST racist, marxist propaganda put out by folks with nothing but trump hatred and time on their unemployed hands to spread Lies.
the usual cast of foolish Comrade Xi acolytes are putting out nonsense - nnd some responsible posters are trying to respond Factually to the propaganda onslaught.
Marching orders from chairman xi - his own propaganda organs mocked Trump for having teh wuhan virus infection.
and DPST's follow right along in their Groupthink. Chariman /comrade Xi sheeples.
How sad to be so deluded and dedicated to racist Marxist DPST lies and propaganda!
As a poster (AE) put it - 'Ignore the Trolls'
Some of the best advice /posting on the Forum!