My Back Door

Guitar's Avatar

I complain all the time about no ladies being available closer to me than Jackson or Hattisburg. Here's one, LITERALLY at my back door and I'm too scared to see her. My car is noticeable around here. TOO NOTICEABLE. This is very close to where I live and I'm afraid I'll be seen where I shouldn't be. So I guess I'm hard to satisfy, arn't I. Any of yall ever had this problem. Guess I could borrow old Basscat's Rolls Royce and meet her in it, but then I'd draw too much attention because of what I'm driving.
If you are that close, could you use Uber? Not sure if they are running anymore but that or a taxi...
Thats one car I have never owned but I really do like them the older I get. You can pick up a decent used on 8 or 9 years old for a little more than a new high end suv cost so pretty much anyone could have one if they really wanted. I wont spend 80k on a car every so I will never have one but if you really wanted one most people could swing it. I had a custmor show up in a 20 AT4 Durmax a few days ago and thats the next expensive car I can see myself getting. He paid 80k for his I wont spend that and never buy new anyways but in a few years I should be able to pick up a 20 with less than 100k for mid to low 50s. I will do that. This was the single nicest truck I have laid my eyes on. I just couldnt live with myself spending that kind of money on something that depreciates. I buy rental houses just to hedge against inflation and could easily get one for what he spent on his truck and it will be worth half its initial cost in 5 years no matter how well he takes care of it.

Guitar if your concerned hobbying around town because someone might notice your ride just buy a beater for 2500 and keep it parked at a buddies. I know guys who do this.

I am so glad I never got married. It must suck having to worry about shit like this. It probably also sucks being emasculated all the time and having her spend all your money while getting great enjoyment out of knowing her denying you sex makes you miserable. I have so many buddies whos wives truly seem to enjoy making them as unhappy as they possibly can. Its like its an actual game for them to see just how much misery they can put their hubby through. I have a cousin I was talking to yesterday who has been married 35 years and he always complains about not getting laid. She makes him go 5 and 6 months without sex and he ask her multiple times a day. This has gone on for decades and he is so unhappy. I finally told him about hookers or at least showed him how easy it is to find hookers a few months back and he told me that he is happier than he ever thought he could be but that now that he knows how he should be living he wants sex from the wife more than ever now. So he has started talking to her about it whereas before he just suffered in silence. So I have basically become a sex therapist is what I am trying to say. I probably should charge him. Anyone know what a sex therapist charges? I am thinking a half hour with Kiki every month on his dime should be sufficient.
Sometimes driving a boring white or silver non-descript mid-sized sedan is a good thing.

Of course if that boring sedan could be caught, borrowing a friend's truck for an actual lumber run (and making a side trip) is good way to avoid issues.
I like the Uber idea
thebbwqueen97's Avatar
Uber or cab. Have a hobby buddy drop you off..
Brer Rabbit's Avatar
Linky no worky. Is she now vapor in the wind?
Guitar's Avatar
Her AD now says Jacksin. Other one said Brookhaven