No Stimulus

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Let's actually talk about policies in this thread and not about the latest bullshit media scandal, please.

So, why is T R U M P halting stimulus until after the election? How could that work in H I S favor?

(1) Is H E trying to bribe people into voting for H I M?

(2) Do you think H E is maybe bluffing and this is part of a negotiation tactic?

(3) Is it because Nancy and Chuck are out of their minds and aren't willing to negotiate something reasonable? If so, why doesn't H E make another executive order?

(4) Other
matchingmole's Avatar

No chemistry fun
HedonistForever's Avatar
Let's actually talk about policies in this thread and not about the latest bullshit media scandal, please.

So, why is T R U M P halting stimulus until after the election? How could that work in H I S favor?

(1) Is H E trying to bribe people into voting for H I M?

(2) Do you think H E is maybe bluffing and this is part of a negotiation tactic?

(3) Is it because Nancy and Chuck are out of their minds and aren't willing to negotiate something reasonable? If so, why doesn't H E make another executive order?

(4) Other Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong

If only we could limit ourselves to that but that's just wishful thinking that we could actually raise the level of discussion.

I think it was a political mistake that Trump made by announcing that. By saying he is putting a halt to negotiations, that gives Nancy the opening to say "see, he just quit on the American people". He didn't, he quit on Nancy and Shumer because they as much as announced themselves that they wouldn't be giving this President a win this close to the election. And just a few minutes ago, Nancy said that the only reason Trump is agreeing to any money, 1.6 trillion to be exact, is because he just wants to see his name on the checks and he doesn't really care about the people at all.

Well Nancy, didn't you just admit that the only reason you don't want any money at all to go out is because you don't want to see checks with Trumps name on them because the people will think that Trump did actually want to help them out WITH 1.6 TRILLION dollars in relief?

Trumps people are right now trying to walk back what Trump said as is so often the case and are saying they are still negotiating on a piece by piece proposal, only the absolute basic needs leaving out bailing out states and helping just the un-employed and Nancy said, wait for it, wait for it, NO! There will be no more negotiations the same thing Trump said but will the media report it that way? Hell no they won't.

So the question becomes, "who will the people blame"? The same political game they have been playing for 4 years now.

If somebody tells me X wants to give out 1.6 trillion but Y says it is either 2.2 or nothing, who am I going to blame if nothing comes?
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Yea, but why doesn't H E make another executive order?

I did read that H E is trying to send out another round of checks, but H E has been promising that for like 6 months now. I also don't really agree with sending a shit load of checks to random people, because a lot of them will go to people who don't need it.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
You don't keep up with current events do you? Trump has told Nancy, he did it last night, that she should vote on sending out checks to everyone for $1200 and he will sign immediately. Nancy is refusing. Also, there is left over money from the previous stimulus but the House has to advance legislation to use it. Nancy is refusing. Trump is saying let's do this one piece at a time but Nancy is refusing.

They say you're entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts. Fact is Nancy is holding things up not Trump.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Still, H E can make an executive order, no? I think that looked really good for H I M last time. Made Nancy look like a troll.
Chung Tran's Avatar
No, Trump can not make an order to spend money. That must originate in the House, a spending bill. If Trump could order funds spent, why have a budget bill and negotiation?

The stock market believes something will pass, soon. It spiked higher today, soley on that idea.

I think Trump was told he did a stupid move, killing the stimulus. Now using targeted ideas, to force Nancy's hand. I feel like Nancy will NOT capitulate. She realizes Trump is flailing, desperately hoping for a way to come back in the Polls. The Dems hold all the high cards.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Didn't H E sign an executive order to extend unemployment benefits last time? I don't understand why H E can't repeat that this time around.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Didn't H E sign an executive order to extend unemployment benefits last time? I don't understand why H E can't repeat that this time around. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Different mechanism. He directed ALREADY authorized funds, to go to unemployment. Surely Trump would have done a stimulus himself, if he could!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I get spam emails from Amazon all of the time. They are desperately looking for employees. They're swamped. If people are desperate for that little pocket change stimulus, get off your ass and go work for Amazon. I don't even know why they email me. I'm not doing shit for $16 an hour because that hardly covers even a small portion of my financial obligations. If it did though, I'd happily do it.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Yea, but why doesn't H E make another executive order?

I did read that H E is trying to send out another round of checks, but H E has been promising that for like 6 months now. I also don't really agree with sending a shit load of checks to random people, because a lot of them will go to people who don't need it. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong

Apparently this can not be done by EO and requires legislation.

I think Nancy really gave herself away when she admitted the real reason she doesn't want $1200 checks going out is because Trump's name will be on them so she isn't about to let that happen. Yeah, she cares so much for the little guy. What a crock of shit.
HedonistForever's Avatar
No, Trump can not make an order to spend money. That must originate in the House, a spending bill. If Trump could order funds spent, why have a budget bill and negotiation?

The stock market believes something will pass, soon. It spiked higher today, soley on that idea.

I think Trump was told he did a stupid move, killing the stimulus. Now using targeted ideas, to force Nancy's hand. I feel like Nancy will NOT capitulate. She realizes Trump is flailing, desperately hoping for a way to come back in the Polls. The Dems hold all the high cards. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Not if people wake up and realize that Nancy just cost them $1200.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I get spam emails from Amazon all of the time. They are desperately looking for employees. They're swamped. If people are desperate for that little pocket change stimulus, get off your ass and go work for Amazon. I don't even know why they email me. I'm not doing shit for $16 an hour because that hardly covers even a small portion of my financial obligations. If it did though, I'd happily do it. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
True, but it's more than just unemployment. The stimulus was supposed to send money to help open schools and to businesses to keep people employed. It pumps up the economy.
HedonistForever's Avatar
True, but it's more than just unemployment. The stimulus was supposed to send money to help open schools and to businesses to keep people employed. It pumps up the economy. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong

And 1.6 trillion does just that. No money does nothing but prove that Nancy wasn't going to pass anything if there was any possibility that Trump would get any credit for it but I don't think she thought the whole thing through. Nancy was very upset when she went on the morning shows and said that Trump reversed his decision in calling off the negotiations because it hurt the Republicans. Isn't that a good thing when you realize you made a mistake and fix it the next day?

Anybody paying attention now understands that Pelosi isn't going to approve any amount of money for any reason.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
That stimulus money is just a short term fix. It means nothing as far as a healthy sustainable economy. I'm not just saying that because I don't need the money. I'm saying that because I know a band-aid doesn't fix a bullet wound long term.