If you are liberal, You are just plain DUMB

redslick's Avatar
Reread the title.....it's still true
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Liberals will say the same about conservatives. What's your point? Just because people don't share your ideology does not make them dumb. They're not going to change your mind and you are not going to change their mind. Big fucking deal because that's what makes this country great. You have a choice to think how you please without condemnation.
Funny, how the liberal talks about calling names without justification. So much for the kettle.
Liberal is actually the wrong term. A classic liberal is very much like the modern conservative. They both want the maximum amount of freedom for the maximum amount of people. The difference is that liberals think government can provide it and conservatives think that people are smart enough to do it on their own, if government just stays out of the way. Today, we're seeing progressives, socialists, Marxists, and totalitarians masquerading as liberals.
True liberals would not consider stacking the Supreme Court. True liberals would accept the results of an honest election without complaint. True liberals would not try to steal an election. True liberals would not try to hide important news that effects the outcome of an election.
There are very few true liberals on this site. Lucas is not one of them. He really has no idea what he thinks until someone tells him what to think.
  • oeb11
  • 10-24-2020, 06:10 AM
LM has been deluded by the Trump hate of XiNN - and when Comrade Xi rules over harris he may find that - OOOps - i screwed up when I sold my Henry's!
TRBC - thanks for a good post - and a truism
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-24-2020, 06:58 AM
There are very few true liberals on this site. . Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
You sure as hell are not a true conservative. No true conservative would vote for someone who has piled up as much debt as Trump.

No true conservative would inject their moral values on personal choice to choose.

You're a faux conservative. A RHINO.
beelzebubba's Avatar
But guess who we will be calling losers beginning next month?
It’s pretty obvious.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Who gives a fuck?

The record numbers at the polls are pretty strong evidence that the Proud Boys of ECCIE will be back in their bunkers eating canned rations pretty soon, as they prepare to move back to Russia and Iran.

The OP is one of a dozen one-liner threads to which the proud boys are raising their tiki torches in despair.

Nobody will trust your ilk with their families EVER AGAIN!
matchingmole's Avatar
Funny, how the liberal talks about calling names without justification. So much for the kettle.
Liberal is actually the wrong term. A classic liberal is very much like the modern conservative. They both want the maximum amount of freedom for the maximum amount of people. The difference is that liberals think government can provide it and conservatives think that people are smart enough to do it on their own, if government just stays out of the way. Today, we're seeing progressives, socialists, Marxists, and totalitarians masquerading as liberals.
True liberals would not consider stacking the Supreme Court. True liberals would accept the results of an honest election without complaint. True liberals would not try to steal an election. True liberals would not try to hide important news that effects the outcome of an election.
There are very few true liberals on this site. Lucas is not one of them. He really has no idea what he thinks until someone tells him what to think. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

No rational comeback? Just a cartoon without basis in reality. Pretty weak.
  • oeb11
  • 10-24-2020, 12:58 PM
it is the best the moles have - foolish XiNN cartoons.

It has been written - 'If one is not a liberal when young - One has no heart.

If one is not a conservative when mature - One has no brain.!!!!

Lots of matures with no brains out there with biden signs on their lawns.
sportfisherman's Avatar
I don't know about Liberals being dumb.

But I saw a Town Hall last week where Trump said he didn't know anything about QAnon.

Is that good for Trump to not know anything about QAnon ?

I think our Intel community has designated QAnon a domestic terrorism threat.

If so,is that good for Trump to not know anything about domestic terrorism threats ?

Trump had said before he thought they loved our country.

Do domestic terrorists love our country ?

It seemed like I am maybe more aware of QAnon than our president.And I don't really know anything about them except just from a few snippets here and there in the media.It appears Trump knows even less.

You think he is maybe dumb ? I don't think he is a liberal.
Reread the title.....it's still true Originally Posted by redslick
Fact is Liberals in general are more highly educated than your typical Republican. So your statement is false unless dumb people can achieve advanced degrees in science, law, medicine, programming, etc. Republicans typically are farmers, laborers, plumbers, truck drivers, electricians, etc. Not always, but the majority are. And I am not bashing those trades, they are critical to our economy and can be very well paid trades.
matchingmole's Avatar
it is the best the moles have - foolish XiNN cartoons.

It has been written - 'If one is not a liberal when young - One has no heart.

If one is not a conservative when mature - One has no brain.!!!!

Lots of matures with no brains out there with biden signs on their lawns. Originally Posted by oeb11

Written by a moron
  • Tiny
  • 10-24-2020, 02:58 PM
Fact is Liberals in general are more highly educated than your typical Republican. So your statement is false unless dumb people can achieve advanced degrees in science, law, medicine, programming, etc. Republicans typically are farmers, laborers, plumbers, truck drivers, electricians, etc. Not always, but the majority are. And I am not bashing those trades, they are critical to our economy and can be very well paid trades. Originally Posted by royamcr
Highly educated in what? Accountants, engineers, and businessmen with college degrees are more likely to be Republicans. People with college degrees who work for the government and nonprofits like universities, like many teachers, scientists and liberal arts grads, are more likely to be Democrats. Many lawyers, especially the plaintiffs bar, are Democrats because they've bought off the party and use it to benefit financially. Doctors used to be mostly Republicans, but because many left private practice and the profession became less exposed to the free market, now it's probably about 50/50. Economists who work in the private sector are more likely to be Republicans. Economists who work in academia and for government Democrats. Journalists are mostly Democrats.

Yes, farmers, plumbers, truck drivers, and electricians are often self employed and most work in the private sector. They typically work hard and don't have things handed to them on a silver platter. And they're probably more likely to vote for Republicans.

It's probably true that a somewhat larger % of Democrats have college degrees, compared to Republicans. That doesn't mean they're smarter or wiser. They're not. And I bet the majority of Democrats don't have college degrees.

Now, yes, many Republicans right now don't look like the smartest apples around, because they've been following President Trump like sheep, and Trump says some really stupid things. But that's about to change.
You THINK QAnon is designated a terrorist threat. Not sure? Maybe you know as much as Trump. According to Wikipedia, QAnon is a theory but not a group. They also theorize that Trump will have them all arrested.

Considering the modern pseudo liberal, if they did arrest a bunch for unsavory acts with not adults, I would not be surprised.