Obama's Three-Card Monte Ruse

The Slacker-In-Chief is on a 3-day "listening" tour across middle America. It' a bus tour aimed at fooling independents that Obama is an ordinary man trying to get in-touch and listen to the electorate....

But just like the 3-card monte game it's a phony scheme designed to part the common man from his hard earned cash. But I think the old adge "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me" is what will prevail.

Americans arent' gonna buy Obama's phony rhetoric a second time around...his approval ratings fall below 40% !


Whirly, let me take a guess.

You are struggling through another slow news days, aren't you?!
Nothing slow about Obama's approval ratings continuing fall...........and Obama tries to deflect the bad news with a listening tour that actually is a fundraiser???

But again, you Obama zombies don't want to discuss the facts; all you can do is try to defend your guy by attacking others in meaningless ways ! It just isn't working BigTex - give it up !

waverunner234's Avatar
Whirl, let's assume Perry as prez. I think soon you would have another big complaint.
Now all I hear on FOX (Hannity in the frontline) 50% of Americans pay NO tax at all. With Perry the next complaint would be ...................... 80% of Americans pay no tax. Why? If he had his way most Americans would earn minimum wage or less, with hardly enough education and because of that they all would qualify for earned income credit.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Whirl, let's assume Perry as prez. I think soon you would have another big complaint.
Now all I hear on FOX (Hannity in the frontline) 50% of Americans pay NO tax at all. With Perry the next complaint would be ...................... 80% of Americans pay no tax. Why? If he had his way most Americans would earn minimum wage or less, with hardly enough education and because of that they all would qualify for earned income credit. Originally Posted by waverunner234
WaverRunner is right- Perry is a big joke- he's created jobs in the state of Texas that have the lowest average pay rate and you wonder why corporations flock to Texas? Texas education system is one of the worst in the nation- Texas has the most uninsured people- both health and auto I might add- how patriotic of Perry to hae wanted Texas to secede from the Union. Also, that 50% of Americans don't pay taxes is bullshit that Faux news, RUSH, and Hannity keep spreading- I guess those 50% don't pay any taxes when they go shopping or clothes are grocery??? I assume those 50% somehow manages to avoid city and state taxes as well?????
oglfp12's Avatar
But again, you Obama zombies don't want to discuss the facts; all you can do is try to defend your guy by attacking others in meaningless ways ! It just isn't working BigTex - give it up !

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Let's look at facts

FACT: When George W. Bush took office, there was a budget SURPLUS.

FACT: Bush led Congress to implement very substantial tax cuts. ADDITIONAL FACT: Because the long term budget projections of those tax cuts were very bad (large deficits coming) the law enacting those cuts also mandated that they expire at the end of 2010. And those projections did not include the cost of any wars.

FACT: For years we spent tens of billions of dollars per month fighting two wars. None of that money was offset by additional revenue (tax).

FACT: When the banking crisis hit in 2008, President Bush pushed through Congress the Troubled Asset Relief Program--$700 billion plus to bail out the banks and Wall Street.

FACT: When President Obama took office the "Great Recession" was in full force. He pushed through Congress another $700 billion plus stimulus bill to put money into the economy. Note that every main stream economist in the free world agreed that a massive stimulus was necessary. Many economists, including Nobel lauriet Paul Krugman, strongly argued that the stimulus should be bigger.

FACT: The job losses and business downturn of the Great Recession further decreased tax revenue.

MY OPINION based on these facts: We need to get our federal budget in ballance and begin paying down the debt. However it is impossible to do either without a ballanced approach of increasing revenue and decreasing spending. To hold that any tax increase is unacceptable is an absolutely stupid position. Equally as stupit is to hold that any reduction in "entitlements" is unacceptable.