I would like to hear comments about becoming infatuated with a provider. Is it creepy ? Is it like stalking? Is it bad for provider or Client.
BAD!!! They come and go, only cause you grief when they disappear. And at some point in time they will.
AnonomousUser's Avatar
GS, I assume you are the one with the infatuation, or are you just askin! LOL
Three Piece Chicken Dinne's Avatar
What can be good about it?
I was just asking. From my viewpoint , it would seem to be a tragedy for your home life. For the provider it puts undo stress on her business. Seems Some turn ATF into something else. Just wondered have run across a few that I could have run away with, then thought with my big head>not little!
Three Piece Chicken Dinne's Avatar
It's a thick line between ATF and infatuation. But yah, there are a few I would love to run away with!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
There are couple that I HAVE run away the past. It never ends well!