Disappointment, thy name is Biden.

Having no official function or position, Joe Biden is already disappointing his supporters. Not surprising because Biden has never stood for anything in his entire career. He has always gone along with whatever cause was important...as far he was concerned and he has almost always been wrong. The real shame is the people who voted for him. They should have known that Biden was unreliable from his history and words but they went after the baited hook just like a hungry carp.

First bit of disappointment: Biden had no coattails. Okay, this is only a concept if you really think the election was free of fraud and irregularities. Biden may have won in some key states but the democrats underneath lost. In fact, republicans are still winning congressional seats with each recount days after the democrats were announced the winner. Poor old Joe...

Second; Trump has been drawing down the wars in the Middle East and Biden has telegraphed that he wants to get back into them again. Too bad if you're young and male.

Third: Latinos are disappointed with all the unkept promises made by democrats and now, Biden. Can Biden really wave a magic wand and make 11 million illegals...legal? Only Congress can do that and most Hispanic Americans don't want blanket amnesty. Plus, the democrats know that the poor (and that includes the black community) will be hardest hit by sudden influx of cheap labor. Disappointment on both sides. Wow!

Fourth: Biden is now back peddling on the defund the police movement and the radical left doesn't like it at all. AOC is disappointed and Joe hasn't even (if he ever does) taken office. Most mainstream democrats now that defund the police is one reason why the republicans didn't lose 20 seats in the House but picked up eight so far?

Fifth: Cuomo and Whitmer may be celebrating but the rest of the country is tired of lockdowns and masks but that is a Joe promise (or is that a threat?).

Sixth: Those old, tired cabinet retreads...they are not inspiring any confidence. What happened to AOC? Beto? And the other young turks? Even lurch is back... I mean former Secretary Kerry who said that it is impossible to have Middle East peace without Gaza...except Trump has been doing exactly that. So much for Kerry.

I expect to see more protests happening before Biden is shown the door in six months. There's a word for Biden, fallguy.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-27-2020, 12:47 PM
Did you just concede that Trump will not be President come Jan 20th?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Yes he did. Decent read though.

Clean up the punctuation Corny.


Dump doesn't even have to clear his desk.

Never used.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
2020 Regional Expectations of the Biden Administration


The Iranian question is of course likely to become one of the new administration’s main concerns, but Al Ahram’s Ezzat Ibrahim cautions that Mr. Biden should not make the mistake of assuming the region is the same as it was four years ago: “Reconsidering the US position on the Political Islam groups and confronting Iranian intransigence will be among the most important issues that the new administration should focus on in its relations with the Middle East, because they represent the core of the disputes and clashes with major capitals in the region. It will not suffice for the new Biden administration to renew positions taken from previous periods, because the scale of the changes in the Middle East has been enormous, and what was valid ten years ago is no longer able to deal with the challenges of the status quo.

What would you know about proper punctuation?

Then we're in real trouble since Biden is still stuck in the 90s... more than 30 years ago.
Of course the Clinton's took even the light switch covers and the W from all the keyboards...you must have been very disappointed in the Clinton's. Now you have to post ridiculous, made up stuff about Trump.
Trump lost. Biden won. No disappointment at all.
Lapdog's Avatar
Trump lost. Biden won. No disappointment at all. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

No disappointment here either, Blackman. +1 The next four years will probably go by for all those who are disappointed as rapidly as the last four years has gone by for us.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
What would you know about proper punctuation?

Then we're in real trouble since Biden is still stuck in the 90s... more than 30 years ago. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Of course the Clinton's took even the light switch covers and the W from all the keyboards...you must have been very disappointed in the Clinton's. Now you have to post ridiculous, made up stuff about Trump. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I know your use of the possesive apostrophe is wrong. Read more and go back remedial composition. Redirect your acting class funds to learning how to get respect with your writing. Silly sailor.



Yssup Rider's Avatar
What would you know about proper punctuation?

Then we're in real trouble since Biden is still stuck in the 90s... more than 30 years ago. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Actually, more than 30 years ago was the 1980s, JDB
eccieuser9500's Avatar
That's right. (This is a contraction apostrophe, Corny) More than thirty years ago would put us in the eighties.
Lapdog's Avatar
I caught that too, YR. But I didn't jump in on it because I know how sensitive the Cornhole is about semantics and punctuation. Too, I've discovered over the years that whenever you're trying to prove a point to someone who is not interested in having said point proven to them, then that person is also not very receptive in having the proper use of the King's English pointed out to him either.
That is not me, that is spell check and I just didn't proofread it. Don't have the same resources when using kindle. Of course you are deflecting by taking about punctuation rather than your disappointment in the plagiarizer in chief.
adav8s28's Avatar
Having no official function or position, Joe Biden is already disappointing his supporters. Not surprising because Biden has never stood for anything in his entire career. He has always gone along with whatever cause was important...as far he was concerned and he has almost always been wrong. The real shame is the people who voted for him. They should have known that Biden was unreliable from his history and words but they went after the baited hook just like a hungry carp.

First bit of disappointment: Biden had no coattails. Okay, this is only a concept if you really think the election was free of fraud and irregularities. Biden may have won in some key states but the democrats underneath lost. In fact, republicans are still winning congressional seats with each recount days after the democrats were announced the winner. Poor old Joe...

Second; Trump has been drawing down the wars in the Middle East and Biden has telegraphed that he wants to get back into them again. Too bad if you're young and male.

Third: Latinos are disappointed with all the unkept promises made by democrats and now, Biden. Can Biden really wave a magic wand and make 11 million illegals...legal? Only Congress can do that and most Hispanic Americans don't want blanket amnesty. Plus, the democrats know that the poor (and that includes the black community) will be hardest hit by sudden influx of cheap labor. Disappointment on both sides. Wow!

Fourth: Biden is now back peddling on the defund the police movement and the radical left doesn't like it at all. AOC is disappointed and Joe hasn't even (if he ever does) taken office. Most mainstream democrats now that defund the police is one reason why the republicans didn't lose 20 seats in the House but picked up eight so far?

Fifth: Cuomo and Whitmer may be celebrating but the rest of the country is tired of lockdowns and masks but that is a Joe promise (or is that a threat?).

Sixth: Those old, tired cabinet retreads...they are not inspiring any confidence. What happened to AOC? Beto? And the other young turks? Even lurch is back... I mean former Secretary Kerry who said that it is impossible to have Middle East peace without Gaza...except Trump has been doing exactly that. So much for Kerry.

I expect to see more protests happening before Biden is shown the door in six months. There's a word for Biden, fallguy. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
1. Anything can happen in a local election. The democrats still control the House of Reps and will keep the gavels to all the committees.

2. To bad if your a male? There is no draft. There is very little combat in AG.

3. What do you mean sudden influx of cheap labor. The 11 million that you refer to are already here and working (either on the books or off the books). Your hero Bush43 said it's not practical to round up 11 million people and send them home. The 11 million that are here should be given a pathway to citizenship. Anyone else has to come over the right way. Obama had more border agents than any other president before him. Trump only completed a couple of miles of that wall and Mexico did not pay for it.

4. You lie. Biden was NEVER for defunding the police. He said that right after the Floyd incident.

5. New York went from the highest infection rate in the world to the lowest. People who don't want to get the CV19 virus don't care about wearing a mask. Only the repubtards who don't believe in science complain about the masks. Social distancing and lockdowns are the only protective things that we have until the vaccine is distributed. To reach Herd Immunity without a vaccine 3 to 6 million people would die in the USA. The death rate can only be estimated. It can not be calculated because your dumb president doesn't believe in testing. NO ONE knows how many asymptomatics are out there. Until there is an accurate count for that, the true death rate for CV19 can't be calculated. Anyone who says the mortality rate for CV19 is 99% is clueless.

6. Palestine is happy? You believe in Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz? AOC was for Bernie. She voted for Biden, because Biden was a better option than Trump.

7. What Biden wants to implement if dems take control of the Senate.

Corporate tax rate goes from 20% to 28%.
The tax rate percentage in the 7th tax bracket goes back to 39.5%
Minimum wage goes to $15.00 per/hr.
Group health insurance from the employer and the ACA stays. Public option added for the ACA.
Pathway to citizenship for the 11 million illegals.
Wearing masks may be mandated but no lock downs. IF the FDA approves the Vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna, distribution could start for hospital workers and first responders at the end of Dec 2020.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
11 million is not a real number, its much higher than that. try 20 - 30 million.