Trump mistake

Ripmany's Avatar
Please what would change you mine or the american people mine.

Examples the 4 year of complaing and not doing but being winer and chef.

Having cops run a muck falsely arrest people. Having Nation guard just shoot into groups people.

Not ballacing the budject which made the tax cut of 2018 a tax cut really a overall tax increase. Via inflation interest.
Ripmany's Avatar
Pizza gate vs russian gate.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Pizza gate vs russian gate. Originally Posted by Ripmany

don't know about pizza gate...

russia gate was big time fraud, hoax.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm not sure what language is being used in the OP but it is child like. I think it is about Nixon at one point (National Guardsmen shooting into crowds), Wilson at another (cops falsely arresting people) but I'm not aware of any president being known as a chef, as for the budget, everyone has screwed up the budget (including the sainted Bill Clinton).

Pizza gate is a, as of yet, unproven conspiracy theory that prominent democrats were running a pedo ring out of pizza shops. Hillary Clinton was called out by name and some guy shot up a pizza shop on this belief. Alex Jones did a lot of promotion of this theory.

Russia gate, we know was a politically motivated witch hunt without merit or fact to unseat an elected president in a coup.