GA Election official to Trump -- STFU!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Every time Trump opens his mouth, idiots like (redacted) are emboldened and feel entitled to make death threats.

If Trump STFU, would the death threats stop? Who knows. But would idiots like (redacted) still feel they were somehow doing their patriotic duty?

Maybe someone could explain how Trump's flapping gums are preserving our democracy and how idiots like (redacted) can threaten democratically elected officials for doing their job?

Of course, we'd first have to pry Trump's dick out of (redacted)'s cold dead fingers.

'It has to stop': Georgia official calls on Trump to 'stop inspiring' death threats over election
Joey Garrison

WASHINGTON — A top election official with the Georgia Secretary of State's Office on Tuesday called on President Donald Trump to condemn and "stop inspiring" recent threats of violence as the state finishes a second recount of the presidential election.

"It has all gone too far," said Gabriel Sterling, Georgia's voting system implementation manager, raising his voice. "All of it."

Visibly angry, Sterling spent several minutes of an afternoon news conference describing threats targeting state election officials and workers. He said a 20-year-old tech employee in Gwinnett County received death threats and was made the subject of a noose image disseminated online that read he should be "hung for treason."

"It has to stop. Mr. President, you have not condemned these actions or this language," Sterling said. "Senators, you have not condemned this language or these actions. This has to stop. We need you to step up. And if you're going to take a position of leadership, show some."

The senators Sterling referenced are Georgia's two Republican U.S. senators, David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, who are running in runoff elections on Jan. 5 that could decide control of the Senate.

Gabriel Sterling speaks at a press conference Friday.
As Trump refuses to concede his election loss to President-elect Joe Biden, he has repeatedly attacked Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and Gov. Brian Kemp, both Republicans, after an initial state-ordered recount affirmed that Biden won Georgia by 12,284 votes. After Biden's Georgia win was certified, the Trump campaign requested a second recount, which is expected to be finished by the end of Wednesday.

Sterling, who is also a Republican, said people have trespassed on Raffensperger's property and driven caravans outside the secretary's home. He said Raffensperger's wife has received "sexualized threats" on her cell phone.

Sterling brought up comments from Trump attorney Joe diGenova, who said Monday that former Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Chris Krebs should be "shot." Sterling called Krebs "a patriot."

"This is elections. This is the backbone of a democracy. And all of you who have not said a damn word are complicit in this," Sterling said. "It's too much. Yes, fight for every legal vote. Go through your due process. We encourage you. Use your First Amendment. That's fine. Death threats, physical threats, intimation – it's too much. It's not right. They've lost the moral high ground to claim that it is."

Sterling said the election worker, whose name he did not identify, is a contractor for the voting machine company Dominion Voting Systems – a regular subject of false claims that Trump and his allies have pushed to argue the election was stolen. He said the worker was captured on video transferring a report from a computer, which was made to look like he was "manipulating election data."

"He was just trying to do his job," Sterling said, adding that the worker's family members have also received threats. "His family is getting harassed now. There's a noose out there with his name on it."

A spokeswoman for Perdue said the senator "condemns violence of any kind, against andbody. Period," WSB-TV Atlanta reported. But she added, "We won't apologize for addressing the obvious issues with the way our state conducts its elections."

Most of Sterling's comments were directed specifically at Trump.

"Mr. President, it looks like you likely lost the state of Georgia," he said, acknowledging Trump has the right to go through the court system.

"What you don't have the ability to do – and you need to step up and say this – is stop inspiring people to commit potential acts of violence. Somebody's going to get hurt. Somebody's going to get shot. Somebody's going to get killed."

Still speaking to Trump, Sterling said "people aren't giving you the best advice on what's actually going on on the ground."

'"It's time to look forward. If you want to run for reelection in four years, fine do it. But everything we're seeing right now, there's not a path. Be the bigger man here. Step in. Tell your supporters, 'Don't be violent. Don't intimidate. All that's wrong It's un-American.'"
winn dixie's Avatar
Proof tds is not curable! Rage and insults!
bambino's Avatar
Georgia citizens to Kemp and Raffensbuger, Eat shit and die!!!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Georgia voters to Trump:

You're fired, asshole.
bambino's Avatar
Georgia voters to Trump:

You're fired, asshole. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Not so fast piggy. A Georgia judge ordered Raffensburg NOT to scrub the Dominion voting machines. Ooops.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Not so fast piggy. A Georgia judge ordered Raffensburg NOT to scrub the Dominion voting machines. Ooops. Originally Posted by bambino

to scrub or not to scrub.... that is the question the courts have ping ponging.

Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
I don't see what the big dealio is. People die and get harassed on a daily basis. What makes them so special that anyone should care...

Actual damage occurred during the meaningless "riots". Nothing has even happened to these cry babies. This type of sh*t comes with the territory, they knew what they signed up for when they accepted these positions.
bambino's Avatar
Oh, Raffensperger is opening investigations into Fulton county.
rexdutchman's Avatar
they should check with hillary for her bleach bit
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Not so fast piggy. A Georgia judge ordered Raffensburg NOT to scrub the Dominion voting machines. Ooops. Originally Posted by bambino

First of all, the vote recount inFulton County was almost done.

Second of all, it’s was a server crash, like we have here from time to time.

Third of all, You’ve got to decide how long you’re going to stay here bambino.

We all know you’re nothing but a cheerleader for the Trump Reich, and will boo and hiss, scream and cheer. Enthusiastically!!!!!!!!!!!!

You’re full of shit, just like ALL of us posting on this here whooker board.

But if you want to subject the board to your Barnyard Bullshit and inane personal attacks during the current constitutional crisis, it’s totally on you.

Whaddya say, Peggy Sue? Are you capable of participating without breaking the fucking rules? Or would you rather be a pig.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Proof tds is not curable! Rage and insults! Originally Posted by winn dixie

Says the queen of rage whining!
txdot-guy's Avatar
We all know you’re nothing but a cheerleader for the Trump Reich, and will boo and hiss, scream and cheer. Enthusiastically!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

It's not the Trump Reich, It's the Turd Reich.
winn dixie's Avatar
It's not the Trump Reich, It's the Turd Reich. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
yssup kinda sore right now. Hes outta charmin. So scatologies for him hit close to home right now.
bambino's Avatar
First of all, the vote recount inFulton County was almost done.

Second of all, it’s was a server crash, like we have here from time to time.

Third of all, You’ve got to decide how long you’re going to stay here bambino.

We all know you’re nothing but a cheerleader for the Trump Reich, and will boo and hiss, scream and cheer. Enthusiastically!!!!!!!!!!!!

You’re full of shit, just like ALL of us posting on this here whooker board.

But if you want to subject the board to your Barnyard Bullshit and inane personal attacks during the current constitutional crisis, it’s totally on you.

Whaddya say, Peggy Sue? Are you capable of participating without breaking the fucking rules? Or would you rather be a pig. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Takes one to know one!

rexdutchman's Avatar
Yup frogs in the pot ,Just keep believing the collection of fabrications rumors and lies about the Big T campaign and election from the LSM , what could go wrong , ( oh like Germany is the 20/30s )