Encounter: Another nice time at Shakuru

  • MF13
  • 12-03-2020, 03:15 PM
Date: 11/25/2020
Name: Monica
Phone: 585-865-0999
Email Address: -
URL / Website: https://www.rubmaps.ch/erotic-massag...-23344#rubmaps
City: Rochester
State: New York
Address: W Ridge Rd
Hair Length and Color: Medium Reddish Brown
Age: late 30s?
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: Monica is a short asian women. Pretty standard amp look with leggings and tight tee to give the illusion of larger breasts. Masked up of course. She's pretty from what I remember pre mask wearing ha.
Recommendation: Yes
Franklin4's Avatar
very nice review there, im going saturday hope to see someone besides kandi, someone new
joelove69's Avatar
Do they have a Back Door entrance???
They are Asian. They don’t speak greek