Everyone knows trump is a cocksucking bastard.

Munchmasterman's Avatar
That's it.
His enablers are too.

Sorry to state the obvious repeatedly. If trump keeps acting like a Russian I'll keep pointing it out.

Which of his douche-bags will be the first to respond?

A question to the mods.
Is it in the rules to predict when and how trump dies?

(Hey! trumpian assholes! Someone push the rtm button.)
Yssup Rider's Avatar
They do that, you know.

Pound that rtm button like it was their g-spot.

Trump’s behavior today will really benefit the Republicans in the runoff. NOT.

Keep him in Georgia until the Senate runoff. He damned sure ain’t working for us in DC.

And kiss this fucker good bye!

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
No, I'm quite sure he is neither a cock sucker or a bastard. You're lying.
Ripmany's Avatar
I think you want to suck his cock but I seriously doubt Trump sucks anybody cock. also he knows who his daddy is because he borrowed a lot of money from his daddy who was also a sob so that so therefore he's not a bastard.
Ripmany's Avatar
Far mods I say just post what you want there will band you if dont think it right.
winn dixie's Avatar
No way this is rtm material.

Just shows the rage and hate dims have!
LexusLover's Avatar
No way this is rtm material.

Just shows the rage and hate dims have! Originally Posted by winn dixie
I agree. Munchie portrays the typical angry DumboCrat.

They had to steal the 2020 election with fake ballots, and he's trying to divert attention from the lameass extortionist and cocksucker for whom he voted ... at least once. PLEASE ALWAYS REMEMBER: The DumboCrats accuse others of their own crimes and offenses. Some folks with a conscience fake rage.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-06-2020, 07:33 AM
I agree. Munchie portrays the typical angry DumboCrat.

They had to steal the 2020 election with fake ballots, . Originally Posted by LexusLover
Fake ballots????

Even "Pull my farting finger" Rudy Giuliani is not alleging fake ballots.

Go change your Depends. You're stinking up the forum yet again.

I think Trump will die of high blood pressure when he finally figures out that he is no longer relevant either politically or personally.

Oh he may marry a titty dancer like Anna Nichol Nichol Smith to sustain his narcissus for a while longer. We're probably stuck with him for another 12-15 years but he is already dead politically.....just like Bruce Willis in the Sixth Sense, he just does not know it yet.
LexusLover's Avatar
Fake ballots???? Originally Posted by WTF
Quit watching CNN for your "facts"!

A forged ballot is a fake ballot. Like a fake dollar bill!

Or do you prefer the formal "counterfeit" bill (ballot)!

You are the one who needs to start wearing depends, junior, or at least wipe your ass occasionally. That shit is running down your legs. Your brains are leaking.
eccieuser9500's Avatar

No, I'm quite sure he is neither a cock sucker or a bastard. You're lying. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
This is why he is a cocksucking bastard. As a "historian", even a dumb one, you should agree with this one.

I just call him a piece of shit, low life, small-time crook. But the pay for pardon is big-time. With that, he is a piece of shit, low life, small-time crook trying to get away with a big-time crime. It's not intelligence that redacted the information from the public, it was that lawyers were involved.

Clients and privilege, third party information, and executive power abuse make him a cocksucking bastard, low life, small-time crook being manipulated by others who may actually know enough about the law to try to get the man in charge of executing the law; in this case break it, then pardon those who do, moreover try to pardon criminals before the crime and then destroy all record of his stupidity, to get away with a big-time crime. Sir!

And he's in charge! I mean, his puppeteers are in charge. Fuck him and everyone who supports him. I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. (See what I did there?)

Go ahead and report me to whoever the fuck you think cares.

Historians, watchdog sue Trump to prevent records from being destroyed


The plaintiffs offered as evidence Trump's practice of ripping up notes at the end of meetings, his deleting of tweets despite being warned against doing so by the National Archives and Records Administration and his alleged confiscation of notes from his interpreter following a July 2017 meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

CREW has previously called out Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump and son-in-law Jared Kushner, who hold senior positions within his administration, for communicating through private email accounts and messaging applications in violation of the PRA.

Good try at being funny, though.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Quit watching CNN for your "facts"!

A forged ballot is a fake ballot. Like a fake dollar bill!

Or do you prefer the formal "counterfeit" bill (ballot)!

You are the one who needs to start wearing depends, junior, or at least wipe your ass occasionally. That shit is running down your legs. Your brains are leaking. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Then let's go to the historians of record for the facts, dickhead.

Are you annoyed?
eccieuser9500's Avatar

‘It’s a perfect storm’: South Florida’s biggest food bank is on the brink of a food shortage


So far, Feeding South Florida hasn’t turned away any hungry locals. But without relief, Vélez expects that could change by January. “Either fewer people will be getting food or the same amount of people will receive less food,” he says. “Instead of big a variety of 8 to 12 items, maybe you’ll get 3 to 5.”

So dire is Feeding South Florida’s supply that, on Friday, the nonprofit raided its emergency coffers to spend $2 million to buy enough food to plug the shortfall and keep its cupboards stocked.

Maybe the LatinX (I hate that term) Cuban Republicans can save them.


Still in effect.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Why do you use a photo of Saint Laurent?

I was actually dumb enough to buy some designer clothes. However, I'm actually a broke bitch, so it just made being in public extremely awkward.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I agree. Munchie portrays the typical angry DumboCrat.

They had to steal the 2020 election with fake ballots, and he's trying to divert attention from the lameass extortionist and cocksucker for whom he voted ... at least once. PLEASE ALWAYS REMEMBER: The DumboCrats accuse others of their own crimes and offenses. Some folks with a conscience fake rage. Originally Posted by LexusLover
One more time, SHARKY, please explain how this election was stolen from Trump.

The courts have affirmed in a daily basis that Trump is trying to steal it, but it isn’t going to happen in a country of laws.

The glaring truth is that every one of the cult of stupid is like a
gorilla hunting dog. Enjoy your dinner, bub.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why do you use a photo of Saint Laurent?

I was actually dumb enough to buy some designer clothes. However, I'm actually a broke bitch, so it just made being in public extremely awkward. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Where did you get them, Tel Aviv?