Encounter: Wild ride

Date: 12-6-2020
Name: Jess
Phone: 716-350-3347
Email Address: N/A
URL / Website: Escort alligator
City: Buffalo
State: New York
Address: Off Main St
Hair Length and Color: Black and it was tied up
Age: Mid 20’s
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Mixed
Physical Description: If you see her pics with no face, I’m expecting big girl and big boobs and probably not attractive but she was pretty actually. Pleasant surprise. The one review on the website said she a red head but she’s not. I can’t say for sure but I’m almost positive she is at least half black but light skinned. The pics on that site must be old cause she’s much thinner with great boobs and nice ass. Rare instance where she’s much better in person.
Recommendation: Yes
Rainbird4668's Avatar
Rainbird4668's Avatar
Found it: https://escortalligator.com.listcraw...alo/56589572/#

She looks ample in pics. Originally Posted by Rainbird4668
The pics are not good compared to her in real life. They must be really old or they might not even be her. She looks white in the pics but she wasn’t. Maybe half white.
Link? Originally Posted by Rainbird4668

I probably should be terrified hahah. Oh well. Hope it doesn’t come back to bite me.
Zollner's Avatar
Nice review.
What area of Main Street?
By East Ferry. Whoops meant to reply to you Zollner.
Zollner's Avatar
Thanks, BB
12InchClock's Avatar
You are the father.
I've been to her before for BBJ...now I am worried about my choices...
I've been to her before for BBJ...now I am worried about my choices... Originally Posted by ruiner15
12InchClock's Avatar
I've been to her before for BBJ...now I am worried about my choices... Originally Posted by ruiner15
Aloe avera...
In that order.....
You're welcome.
randombl's Avatar
Shes 32, I saw her last year and she was about the size of the pics...