Folks, Please VOTE For My BURGER...(thru 9.11.11)

tia travels's Avatar
RED ROBIN's burger contest.

You can only vote once a day thru September 11th.

Please help my burger win by voting as often as you think about it.


Munchmasterman's Avatar
[quote=tia travels;1568212]RED ROBIN's burger contest.

You can only vote once a day thru September 11th.

Please help my burger win by voting as often as you think about it.



No Fur Burger?

I can't believe there is no fur-burger. I mean, this is ECCIE for God's sake!
tia travels's Avatar
Yeah, I know. Believe me, with my evil mind, it normally would have been there.

Obviously, you can always add what you like (as you did). Maybe you eat fur burgers daily?

I've got your fur burger for you right here:
(I had to keep show it covered because of "rules" ya know.)

p.s. Woman is not me btw.
mmmmmm your burger sounds delish!!!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Yeah, I know. Believe me, with my evil mind, it normally would have been there.

Obviously, you can always add what you like (as you did). Maybe you eat fur burgers daily?

I've got your fur burger for you right here:
(I had to keep show it covered because of "rules" ya know.)

p.s. Woman is not me btw. Originally Posted by tia travels
A fur burger a day, keeps the blue balls away.

How thoughtful of you to supply floss!
Hooray for fur burgers!
You guys think the 10 year anniversary of 9/11 is some fucking joke?
tia travels's Avatar
I'm not making a joke about 9/11 and neither is anyone else.

Red Robin's contest ends on September 11th. Thus the reason that date's in my signature line and this thread. Purely coincidental. If you have a BEEF (no pun intended) about the date, take it up with Red Robin. They are the ones who decided they wanted the contest to end on that day.
No Fur Burger?

I can't believe there is no fur-burger. I mean, this is ECCIE for God's sake! Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Well they all shave. So all you're really getting is raw meat, lol.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Well they all shave. So all you're really getting is raw meat, lol. Originally Posted by acp5762
As(s) long as(s) it served on a pair of buns.

Plus I prefer no ketchup. It always gets all over everything.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
What I'd really like to try is lil Red Robin's burger
tia travels's Avatar
I bet you would!
coven's Avatar
  • coven
  • 08-20-2011, 05:23 PM
Tia also serves unlimited French Thighs with every burger at Red Robin.
What I'd really like to try is lil Red Robin's burger Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Robin is fun and tasty, and with Lisa was one fun xmas gift!! Tia is sweet and tasty and I'll always remember our Valentine's day! None has furr and I like it that way!

Tia you're looking good and no doubt still sweet and tasty!!