Be Careful Out There

I’m not worried. I’m not an umpire
bkfantasy's Avatar
I assume this means he's out at home.
bambino's Avatar
Maybe it will go to the review booth.
I assume this means he's out at home. Originally Posted by bkfantasy
I don't think he reached first base.
Zeman's Avatar
  • Zeman
  • 12-09-2020, 02:12 PM
Might be due to foul balls
Over here in Cbus, they have been running some stings. There will be ads for good looking ladies for a hundred or one fifty, who will do anything and everything. Fools rush in!! So damn obvious at times.

I was looking at the list of guys in one of the stings, and I was surprised how many younger guys were involved. I always thought it was mainly an older gent hobby. Times are a changin, I suppose.
bkfantasy's Avatar
It's an older gent hobby. But it's the younger ones dumb enough to fall into Uncle Leo's traps.
  • SD78
  • 12-11-2020, 10:23 PM
It's an older gent hobby. But it's the younger ones dumb enough to fall into Uncle Leo's traps. Originally Posted by bkfantasy
There is evidence in this story that older gents fall for the traps as well.