
For me it's all about the teasing, prostate play a definite bonus. The best I've found at this is Lisa at Fab.
Anyone else you mongers would recommend for superior teasing?
naughty4u1976's Avatar
Go to Pings Spa on Oconnor and I-35.
Tell her you like to be tickled and teased.
She will accommodate you and torture you for sure.

She will also do PM.
Shes a great gal. Be sure to treat her right and give her a
good tip for her great service.
Shes average in looks and dresses frumpy, but
you wont be disappointed.
Is there a specific girl there that you are referring to?
Ping or Coco one in the same, don't be shocked though at first sight she definitely dresses frumpy and you would never look twice at her any place else. She is definitely a surprise once inside.
PillowChaffer's Avatar
Ping A.K.A. Coco is reliable. Earns your tip.
Ping is a favourite of mine. Not going to lie, it’s been harder to see her for an hour after I made my post about her months back, but she is worth it and doesn’t disappoint.
For me it's all about the teasing, prostate play a definite bonus. The best I've found at this is Lisa at Fab.
Anyone else you mongers would recommend for superior teasing? Originally Posted by iluv2kneel

If you mean Lily at Fab, then yes, she's the best I've found. Good massage skills mixed in with teasing.
i definitely like a good PM
why you no do's Avatar
Lilly is good when you can see her. She always gives me to someone else. Ida was good too but she’s gone. The chick at Oaisis on Callahan is excellent!
CrankShaft's Avatar
There's a chick at swan spa in Schertz.
The chick at Oaisis on Callahan is excellent! Originally Posted by why you no do
She took care of me last week. Wish I got her name. She told me when I went in, but by the time I left it had totally left my brain.

"The good lord gave men 2 heads, but only enough oxygenated blood to supply one at a time."
AMP Rat's Avatar
There's a chick at swan spa in Schertz. Originally Posted by CrankShaft

SpursFan's Avatar
She took care of me last week. Wish I got her name. She told me when I went in, but by the time I left it had totally left my brain.

"The good lord gave men 2 heads, but only enough oxygenated blood to supply one at a time." Originally Posted by Guitarzan76

CrankShaft's Avatar
Sophia will touch the starfish.

See this post about Sophia where Lulu gets the no and Sophia is mentioned.

Who? Originally Posted by AMP Rat
Tazion's Avatar
She took care of me last week. Wish I got her name. She told me when I went in, but by the time I left it had totally left my brain.

"The good lord gave men 2 heads, but only enough oxygenated blood to supply one at a time." Originally Posted by Guitarzan76
