Biden environmental team heavy on experience, diversity

  • oeb11
  • 12-19-2020, 09:20 AM
The team looks heavy on heavy also
Looks like a carbon footprint the size of Godzilla.
winn dixie's Avatar
What a disgusting cunt!
Ripmany's Avatar
It will produce a box of manure
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Have at it boys.

That (all the perjoratives you flung at her and other women of color) is going to singlehandedly kick Mitch McConnell's baggy ass out of power, completing the exorcism in Washington.

winn dixie's Avatar
She is a bitter cunt
Yssup Rider's Avatar
She is the one who kicked Trump's ass outta Georgia. That's who she is, WD.

People who live in glass houses shouldn't call others "bitter cunt."

winn dixie's Avatar
She is the one who kicked Trump's ass outta Georgia. That's who she is, WD.

People who live in glass houses shouldn't call others "bitter cunt."

Shes a disgusting human being that has not gotten over her own defeat! That defeat was from a secure and fair election!
winn dixie's Avatar
Gap toothed hippo! And is that a wig?
It's refreshing that after Trump stacked the "environmental" positions in his administration with industry shills that Biden is looking at people who understand the need to balance the land's economic opportunities with reasonable protections and regulation. Without government regulation and intervention the private sector would pollute everything without a second thought. We've seen this time and time again. Trump destroyed countless environmental measures and organizational filters that protected air, water, soil and food. One of the most revealing things Trump did that was especially brazen was attaching an amendment to his wealthy-oriented "tax cut" measure that allowed the oil industry to develop further exploration and new drilling in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge, a gift to an industry that gives a shit about ecological protections or water quality. He dismantled numerous monitoring measures and procedures that help us understand pollution levels and natural resource conditions. Trump's selections to manage key administrative environmental positions included an array of oil and mining lobbyists - people beholden to polluters rather than the public. What we witnessed with his flaky disinterest regarding the challenging and complex public health problems related to the pandemic, was also on full display as he slashed and destroyed environmental protections in favor of short-term economic benefits for polluters. It became obvious very quickly in his term that he doesn't care about public health.
How bout that trump team. Well experienced with being stupid and kissing the Putin Appointee'$ stupid orange ass.

So many piss heads to clean up to make America respected again

Maybe the farmers of America can farm and make a living again without the trump taxpayers handouts
  • oeb11
  • 12-19-2020, 05:44 PM
DPST's do love their environmental nightmare from Georgia!!!!
She disposes of enough calories daily to power the USS Theodore Roosevelt!

DPST's do love their biden crime family and his obedience to his Master Comrade Xi!!!!
Ob1 and lol and wtf. You have 15k post on here and that's all you got comrade. Shirley you can do more better dumbazz
  • oeb11
  • 12-19-2020, 05:50 PM
So typical and predictable - DPST's

Get some professional help - There is life beyond Trump hatred!

And - taunting name-calling, and disrespect are liable to be 'reported"