unta ya a ...plastic man ...be born

Plastic Man's Avatar
twas the night …before christmas
...an alls through the shit smellin whore house
...yer based god …plastic man
...was bashin the guts …outsa commie dog cunts

no matter yer erectile …challenge
…not all …hope is lost
…this christmas shall stand
…no matter the shame er ...the cost

fer yer god …up in heaven
...jus …floatin ons a cloud
...sent downs yer …plastic man
…ta says fuck all ya all …ta the jimmie mods

so ya darlin ol …fucks
…empty yer …wallets ta the whores
…yer nothin buts snivelin cucks
…an ya ol bores donts deserves much …mores
fuckin jimmie jesus Plastic Man....
12InchClock's Avatar
Welcome back my son...
PM... you are needed back at the ark....
lilylivered's Avatar
The writing style is lacking
but the meaning shines through
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
OK, I actually followed the tune correctly.

Let's get Plastic Man appointed as church choir director.