Its Christmsas Morning . . .Anybody get Laid Last Night?

ICU 812's Avatar
Pangolier's Avatar
I thought it was a little less than polite to ask providers to work on Xmas Eve
lebrouge's Avatar
I got laid yesterday at 6pm - a nice mexican spinner milf (there's such a thing!).
Does that count??? lol
I tried yesterday. Reached out to my two local regulars, but neither were available, one laughed when I suggested the idea.

Tried three new providers I've had my eyes on for awhile, but received no response.

I tried and tried, but no luck for me.
lebrouge's Avatar
Fizz, try and try again! If you score today, Xmas Day, that's even more heroic than scoring yesterday!
jajake56's Avatar
Nope none for me
outlawsprint's Avatar
Had one set up for yesterday afternoon, turned into a what are you talking about when texting for confirmation 2hrs prior to I guess we're not on from her 45 min prior and ghosted from there.
Smerc's Avatar
  • Smerc
  • 12-25-2020, 11:10 PM
Had one set up for yesterday afternoon, turned into a what are you talking about when texting for confirmation 2hrs prior to I guess we're not on from her 45 min prior and ghosted from there. Originally Posted by outlawsprint
Ouch. Sometimes santa doesn't come through and we get coal.
SlowHand50's Avatar
Ho, ho, ho!
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-28-2020, 09:19 PM
I've gotten drained every day up to Xmas eve, spend the next days enjoying family time, getting back to my daily drains tomorrow. Gotta few eager friends ready to work
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Xmas eve? Yes. Xmas morn? Yes.
That was the fwb civie though.