Cheerleaders is Open in a Tent

Cheerleaders has built a rather nice heated tent area for outdoor dining. It's small with only one pole in the middle, but hey it's something. And if the governor extends the indoor dining ban past Jan 4th, at least there will be one place to get a drink and food and some eye candy.
I see that. They want you to complete a Covid waiver lol
I stopped there not long before the latest closing. I’ve always liked the talent there in the past. This time it was terrible. A couple extremely skinny unhealthy looking girls that look like they have “issues” and one girl with a really fat ass. I had my beer and sandwich and got the hell out of there.
I wonder we’re all the hot strippers went?
obnoxiousram's Avatar
That is literally a herculean effort to make a inconvenience into a convenience.
I don't see how putting up an enclosed tent outside to make it look and feel more like inside is any different than opening the doors to inside. amiright?
obnoxiousram's Avatar
The heating bill will add up obviously.
I don't see how putting up an enclosed tent outside to make it look and feel more like inside is any different than opening the doors to inside. amiright? Originally Posted by yinzerpgh
I don’t either. From a covid standpoint it’s much worse but health isn’t their priority. It boggles my mind what the state is allowing and not allowing. I went to a nearby restaurant the other day. They serve on the front porch area in basically a tent. Tables shoulder to shoulder and all of them filled. Lol Yet they can’t serve inside at 50% capacity with some distancing.
Our governor is a fucking moron.
I agree. I saw some restaurants near Thai in Bridgeville that had outdoor dining. Sure it's heated, but the tables are so close together and no masks. Seemed safer to just eat indoors and apart.
Depurefymii's Avatar
Buildings have flu, but temporary buildings don't have flu.
Elle Banks's Avatar
I just returned from a visit to Philadelphia, they have shut down entire blocks in Center City to erect these outdoor dining structures made of 2x4's and plastic sheets. How do they sanitize a plastic sheet wall? They don't! Then, if you do choose to eat this way, be prepared for no less than 3 homeless people to approach you and ask you for the food off of your table, which broke my heart and really makes you realize how bad things are getting.
I just returned from a visit to Philadelphia, they have shut down entire blocks in Center City to erect these outdoor dining structures made of 2x4's and plastic sheets. How do they sanitize a plastic sheet wall? They don't! Then, if you do choose to eat this way, be prepared for no less than 3 homeless people to approach you and ask you for the food off of your table, which broke my heart and really makes you realize how bad things are getting. Originally Posted by Elle Banks
Exactly! Somehow covid is able to escape through plastic sheets and won’t infect you. Lol.
Yet.....nobody is allowed to attend sporting events in open air with distancing and masks.