Covid and the hobbyist

  • El-mo
  • 12-29-2020, 06:42 AM
How has Covid affected your hobbying? Have you continued throughout the pandemic? Did you take a break in the early days? Did you resume? Did you continue into the second wave, or did you pause again?

I stopped from March to June or July. Resumed, with a much lower frequency than before, and stopped again last month.

I get the impression that there was a general slowdown when Covid first hit, but I’m not sure the people are behaving the same way in the second wave. I get it, because it doesn’t FEEL as scary this time around, even though it’s far worse than it was in the spring.
Since this is in coed I will respond. I wish I would have played all summer when numbers were down. I stopped for months when it first started. During summer when numbers slowed I was able to meet maybe 2- 3 times a month. I was planning on full time again right when numbers started to climb again. ����♀️

Staff edit The Dr
obnoxiousram's Avatar
This year has been hard on everyone who is involved in the hobby on both sides. Contact tracing makes it hard to be able to earn a living. Not to long ago when I had a doctor appointment my head temperature was 99.3. I have thicker hair than I had in the fall and had the heater in my truck stoked up and the office was on red alert when the thermometer read 99.3,!! My physician was in ER type gear and they doubled masked me. The rules and guidelines of 2020 in person. I take the sock hat and the long-sleeved sweatshirt off, the temperature was at 98.2. Less scary territory. Right now with everything closed my social life is deader than a door nail.
It’s slowed me down for sure, but hasn’t completely stopped me. I have a go-to hood rat that I see that’s nothing but her doing oral on me. No kissing, just straight to business. She already contacted covid so has some antibodies. I’ve gone to a couple strip clubs but not willing to accept lap dances. I will not go to amps at this time.
Has to be a terrible time for sex workers and strippers.
It’s slowed me down for sure, but hasn’t completely stopped me. I have a go-to hood rat that I see that’s nothing but her doing oral on me. No kissing, just straight to business. She already contacted covid so has some antibodies. I’ve gone to a couple strip clubs but not willing to accept lap dances. I will not go to amps at this time.
Has to be a terrible time for sex workers and strippers. Originally Posted by Charley3
I don't know how COVID has effected sex workers (are the successful UTR's with regular clients really effected? Do they Ever lose business?) and I estimate that strippers have taken a hit. Like most bars and nightclubs (and restaurants for that matter) strip-clubs rely on "packed crowds" and regular clients. I have to imagine there are simply Fewer....Guys going into strip-clubs since the pandemic began. That means strippers are making Less...Money. There has always been a certain number of Local....Strippers on SA. They post pics of themselves in their "gear" in the club dressing rooms, and I can't estimate how many MORE strippers joined SA since the pandemic began and I'm trying to get a handle on that....

I think the COVID pandemic "narrows" hobby-people's interests. Fewer people to do business with. Only "ATF" girls and "regular clients". It's impossible for hobbyists to gauge "risk" of varied "pay for play" girls. "Hood rats" could be Less....Risk than stripper-type "party girls" who Still insist on going to nightclubs and mingling in crowds on the weekends. I think many hobbyists have become "small circle" or ATF-only hobbyists mostly. And most providers, whether they admit it or not, look to acquire "regular clients" and whether or not they entertain new clients...
Depurefymii's Avatar
I had to work more because of COVID, so I had less time to hobby a couple of months.

COVID is just the common cold with better marketing, I am not worried about it.

I am looking for better ways to network and review though.
  • El-mo
  • 01-12-2021, 09:15 AM
I had to work more because of COVID, so I had less time to hobby a couple of months.

COVID is just the common cold with better marketing, I am not worried about it.

I am looking for better ways to network and review though. Originally Posted by Depurefymii
The total number of total US deaths in 2020 was more than 300k higher than 2019. How do you people who believe the COVID threat is overblown explain the 300k additional deaths?

Many survivors have lifetime complications. It is not the cold. Be safe out there.
Depurefymii's Avatar
Remember when they closed the hospitals down for everything "elective" like cancer treatments? That is why.
pittlicker's Avatar
Sorely misinformed info on a fucking hooker board. Stick to reviewing the ladies.
Dreamgurrl's Avatar
Remember when they closed the hospitals down for everything "elective" like cancer treatments? That is why. Originally Posted by Depurefymii
That’s a health insurance issue. If by “they” you mean the insurance companies then you would be correct.

Why are insurance companies categorizing cancer treatments as “elective”

Jacuzzme's Avatar
The problem was people who would’ve been diagnosed earlier but weren’t.
berryberry's Avatar
The problem was people who would’ve been diagnosed earlier but weren’t. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
And insurance companies did not make those decisions. Those were orders from state governments and people like idiot Tom Wolf
Dreamgurrl's Avatar
And insurance companies did not make those decisions. Those were orders from state governments and people like idiot Tom Wolf Originally Posted by berryberry
Sir? (Or whomever of many that possibly has access to this account) Are you saying that Tom Wolf controls all insurance companies and what they will or will not cover?
  • El-mo
  • 01-12-2021, 01:40 PM
Remember when they closed the hospitals down for everything "elective" like cancer treatments? That is why. Originally Posted by Depurefymii
That lasted one month.