STG Flake out

Saw an ad on stg for this girl this morning. Into red heads and she looks good so scheduled something. Arrived at her in call on S. Broadway. Texted. No answer, called, she actually picked up and asked for 10 minutes. As I was leaving parking lot a vehicle was pulling in with a young lady on the phone in passenger seat and a guy with a smoke driving. Texted, called and went to the room she indicated 15 minutes later and no reply and crickets. If you try to set something up with her use causation!
JackJohnson's Avatar
The ad got pulled, any other info? Thanks for the heads up, I like redheads as well so....
The ad got pulled, any other info? Thanks for the heads up, I like redheads as well so.... Originally Posted by JackJohnson
She was going by submissive sexy Nikki. I believe she said she was in her 20’s. It was my first time ever seeing an ad for her so I’m suspecting that the guy she may have been with wasn’t ok with her doing it or she changed her mind. If I see her post a new ad I’ll follow up.
JackJohnson's Avatar
Thanks, its appreciated.
The ad got pulled, any other info? Thanks for the heads up, I like redheads as well so.... Originally Posted by JackJohnson
Since you’re into red heads here’s an ad of a provided passing through. She’s no kissing though and that’s hard for me to do especially when I get really into it with a redhead! If you see her post a review so I can know if I should change my mind!