Why Are The Demos Complaining?

Rachelina's Avatar
About what happened yesterday when they were MUTE including
SLOW BIDEN concerning Portland and Seattle. BTW..BOTH DEMOCRATIC CITIES.

Talk about RULE OF LAW??
Double standard to me.

Also what's up with these Mail in ballots?


These are the same people who go shopping for food but TOO LAZY and freaked out about going to a Voter site with a machine where you just pull the handle...Like In & Out Burger.

Get off your lazy ass '''Don't go to Walmart..You might catch the virus with pre existing conditions..Overweight,Diabete s,Etc.
Just keep on eating Hot Dogs & Mac & Cheese.

These same people can't wait 2 minutes to cast their REAL vote in the booth because of Covid?
Just NEVER go out of your house.
Also good DEMO leadership taking so long to restore order.

Real joke..

{Staff edit-ck-- removing ad elements}

Let me wish everyone a wonderful day.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-07-2021, 08:22 AM
Rachelina....wtf are you doing whoring in Houston and not rioting for Trump in Washington DC!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Congress got what they deserved. They're a bunch of lockdown loving assholes who would rather print money and spend it on random bullshit than help its own citizens.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Dems are the new boot lickers LOL.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And Trumpites are the same criminals.

Only now they’ll be prosecuted again.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
99.99% peaceful protest
winn dixie's Avatar
dims dont want to talk about what happened for months!
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Congress has an 82% disapproval rating, which means it does not act in accordance with the people. It's not the people's place. It's a place for corrupt millionaire politicians to get rich off our hard earned money. Fuck them.
matchingmole's Avatar
About what happened yesterday when they were MUTE including
SLOW BIDEN concerning Portland and Seattle. BTW..BOTH DEMOCRATIC CITIES.

Talk about RULE OF LAW??
Double standard to me.

Also what's up with these Mail in ballots?


These are the same people who go shopping for food but TOO LAZY and freaked out about going to a Voter site with a machine where you just pull the handle...Like In & Out Burger.

Get off your lazy ass '''Don't go to Walmart..You might catch the virus with pre existing conditions..Overweight,Diabete s,Etc.
Just keep on eating Hot Dogs & Mac & Cheese.

These same people can't wait 2 minutes to cast their REAL vote in the booth because of Covid?
Just NEVER go out of your house.
Also good DEMO leadership taking so long to restore order.

Real joke..

{Staff edit-ck-- removing ad elements}

Let me wish everyone a wonderful day.
Originally Posted by Rachelina

Did your camel toe type this?
Ripmany's Avatar
That all demcrocrat do is complaint and fuck. We hope Trump would be better.
But he didn't did he. Some need to wake up and smell the coffee. Or better yet, move somewhere they'd be happier.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I'm too broke to move.

Where's mah stimulus!?!?
This is a hooker board. Best stimulus is a little blue pill. Of course, I don't need it...thats my story and I'm sticking to it.
HedonistForever's Avatar
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