Smart people in the room again

I'm so looking forward to the Biden/Harris adm. Biden will only appoint smart people with actual knowledge of their positions. Gone will be the days when appointments were based on how well you could worship and kiss an old fat orange deranged his appointed corrupt kids

America will soon be smart again
Basically agree, except for only a little short of half. We should support education to a greater degree.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Don't forget the great pool of talent that resulted in Bush II's FEMA director...
Nah, it'll be standard establishment types; lizard-people who are only there for corporate interests. The march towards corporate feudalism will resume.
I'm so looking forward to the Biden/Harris adm. Biden will only appoint smart people with actual knowledge of their positions. Gone will be the days when appointments were based on how well you could worship and kiss an old fat orange deranged his appointed corrupt kids

America will soon be smart again Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Yeah, he needs to appoint smart people because he's dumb as shit. This clip proves it again. He introduces his Granddaughter to a crowd as his dead son Beau, lol. That's what you idiots voted for. The Dems own this dummy.
In his defense, Trump appointed smart people. For example, Ivanka and Rudy.
Oh yeah I forgot about his elite attorney crazy rudy.
I'm so looking forward to the Biden/Harris adm. Biden will only appoint smart people with actual knowledge of their positions. Gone will be the days when appointments were based on how well you could worship and kiss an old fat orange deranged his appointed corrupt kids

America will soon be smart again Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Are you fucking kidding?

First nominee out of the gate was Pete Buttegieg for Transportation Secretary. Mayor Pete has ZERO experience in transportation - he couldn't even fix potholes in South Bend.

He has an incompetent nitwit as his BP. She said or implied Biden was both a racist and a rapist during the primaries. He picked her because he needed a token for virtue signal to the hard left.

Any room with Biden in it is going to have at least one dummy in it.
I presume you think any room with Trump in it is better in regard to racism and sexual deviance, not to mention unqualified appointees (never mind revolving door appointments). Check out Abe Lincoln's quote about fooling people. Last line applies.
Oh dang. I forgot about the elite attorney batshit crazy rudy. Maybe it's because the smart attorneys left the room weeks ago

I agree about education reddog. The corrupt Texas politicians believe in dirty air and guns and corporate ownership. They do not believe in education and health care.
I'm so looking forward to the Biden/Harris adm. Biden will only appoint smart people with actual knowledge of their positions. Gone will be the days when appointments were based on how well you could worship and kiss an old fat orange deranged his appointed corrupt kids

America will soon be smart again Originally Posted by Tsmokies
I'm curious tranny, when will you admit you're wrong? After the first poor choice, the second, or when they cart Biden out the door proving you got suckered at the beginning?
Four Years with Biden will be like a constant SNL skit. The problem is these incompetent fools are serious, lol.
I'm so looking forward to the Biden/Harris adm. Biden will only appoint smart people with actual knowledge of their positions. Gone will be the days when appointments were based on how well you could worship and kiss an old fat orange deranged his appointed corrupt kids

America will soon be smart again Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Now all appointees will get to kiss the ass of a senile old “swamper” who is bought and sold by the Chinese.
Smart people? I guess the leader of that pack is John Kerry.
Well ok then name calling bar guy. I was a only little bit wrong when I thought it would be difficult for the dems to do a total takeover. Your deranged trumpy made it toooo easy though.

America will be smart again
LexusLover's Avatar
Four Years with Biden ... Originally Posted by Levianon17
You've already had 50. I'll give him 60 days after the swearing.

The Anti-Trumpers on here should be glad about yesterday. Trump won't run in 2024.