Encounter: Star Spa

RockThomas's Avatar
Date: 1/11/21
Name: Mary
Phone: (316) 425-8833
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: Wichita
State: Kansas
Address: Tyler & Kellogg
Activities: l3
Hair Length and Color: black short
Age: 50's?
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: Miss Mary! need i say more?
Recommendation: Yes
RocketSurgeon's Avatar
moved from ER to AMP
Wow, going to plan a trip to Wichita. I've seen her at five different spa's over the years. She always remembers me, no matter how long between massages.
  • ks2ny
  • 01-14-2021, 09:05 PM
Was there few days ago, fun time with Mary, don't wast your time with the other lady Jen, pretty but nothing from her.
Is Sasa/Sasha still there?
  • ks2ny
  • 01-17-2021, 07:07 PM
Is Sasa/Sasha still there? Originally Posted by FantasticallyFantastic
Was not last week, I called this week and Mary answered phone