Lyin' Biden Without Any Media Pushback

See Lyin' Biden is already at it. He said he was going to authorize another $2000 stimulus relief check. Then his people said that money includes the $600 that just went out. What?!? The authorization will make the $2000 "complete."

The $600 check went out under the Trump administration. $2000 would have gone out sooner if Pelosi would have funded Trumps $2000 executive order.

Its $1400. Stop the bullshit. Media speak up.
rexdutchman's Avatar
the media is "in the pockets " of these idiots Oh and 10 days of EX orders including removal of T s tax breaks soo we all gonna get hit with 2000/4000 more in tax s just Brilliant
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-18-2021, 08:06 AM
Absolutely amazing how the same people who follow the mantra "Stop the deficit spending!" Can be so "flexible" (Some would say spineless.)

If Fearless Leader wants to spend the money to blatantly buy votes, then it's fine. In fact it becomes "How dare those Dems NOT increase the deficit!"

Then we have the minor points that a lot of Republicans were also against a second $2K (we'll comfortably pretend that wasn't true).

And of course the same people are dead set against actually PAYING for any of that. No, don't even think about raising taxes.

Very hard to tell the RW from the LW these days. They seem to have situational outrage about spending money. Or the legitimacy of impeachments, or the fantasy of when it's alright to approve a Supreme Court nominee.

It isn't about what's right any more. It's about blindly following or attacking, depending upon which party is in office.

At least McConnell is honest that it's all about power, not what's good for the country.
rexdutchman's Avatar
SENILITY NOW , for all the Rhodes scholars
It is mostly vote purchasing. People have been unemployed in USA before believe it or not. They made do with the unemployment benefits that were set aside for them. There were times the length, I think it was 26 weeks, had to be extended but certainly no hand out over and above the set unemployment benefit. People are just hung up on this "free shit" now. I have bad news, there aren't any free shit. Some body is paying the bill.
  • oeb11
  • 01-18-2021, 09:54 AM
Nobody is paying teh bill of teh massive federal debt.
It is being kicked down the street for the next POTUS/generation to deal with.

Both parties are complicit and wrong in the massive federal overspending - which will eventually result in huge hyperinflation and ruin the American economy.

POTUS harris will make sure this happens sooner rather than later - to aid her effort to destroy representative democracy -and aid a marxist take-over.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I received $600 a while ago. At no time did I expect an additional $2000 based on any statements made by Joe Biden. If I receive additional money, I always thought it would be maximum of $1400 to make a total of $2000.
  • oeb11
  • 01-18-2021, 10:04 AM
SR - you got your desired result .

The winning may well not be what u expect.
Exactly oeb ..... just because biden will be our president, one should never be gullible enough to think that since Trump is gone things are going to get better .....
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I received $600 a while ago. At no time did I expect an additional $2000 based on any statements made by Joe Biden. If I receive additional money, I always thought it would be maximum of $1400 to make a total of $2000. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I don’t know who could have possibly interpreted this the way the OP spun it.

Maybe people should read what’s written before going into full DPST mode!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Exactly oeb ..... just because biden will be our president, one should never be gullible enough to think that since Trump is gone things are going to get better ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
I guess that depends on what your idea of “better” is.
I received $600 a while ago. At no time did I expect an additional $2000 based on any statements made by Joe Biden. If I receive additional money, I always thought it would be maximum of $1400 to make a total of $2000. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
It was only a few weeks ago. Biden said "$2000" after the $600 was funded and approved and sent out by Pelosi, Mitch and Trump. Often. And repeated by the media. In fact, you can still hear them say $2000.

Now Biden's saying "$1400" after he repeats $2000.

To all of you saying "What about deficit spending?" It's a bitch right? Hypocrit! I'm making an exception for this because we have been under some version of govt lockdown for almost a year.

"But we have masks! And ventilators!"

The lockdowns, deficeit spending, UE compensation, etc are going to break us eventually.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-18-2021, 11:31 AM
So it's OK to be hypocritical when it benefits your political perspective?

Were you calling for another 2K in the summer, or only after Trump pushed back on McConnell and tried to buy more votes?
I was calling for the $2000 in the summer even before Trump's EO came out.

People are suffering. Pelosi made it about politics. Even though the traffic and business have picked up around Houston, many businesses have shuttered forever due to lockdowns.

If you don't have a govt check coming to your bank every week or two, you'd know. Trumps $2000 EO came out long before Mitch pushed back.
Dang!!! I thought this was a Biden was gonna make Mexico pay for the trumpy wall post.