Inflation percolating

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
And the Fed expects it to hit by summer.

So will another 1.x trillion dumped into the economy make it worse.

I believe so.

I think amusing that the Fed is several weeks behind private industry professionals.

A lot of whom are on the road to their industrial clients on another round of manufacturing planning for the next couple years, and/or doing the guest lecturer on econ in the pandemic world.

So what will Biden do about inflationary govt spending?
Get the industrial base upset?
Get the handout folks upset by slowing down?
Either way a large portion of his voter base will get upset.

Edit add,
Btw, in the manufacturing environment inflationary pressures do limit job count expansion on the production line.
winn dixie's Avatar
All indicators of inflation are showing. Rising Gas prices are usually the precursor to inflation.
bound to happen when you shut down the economy and just print money.
Ripmany's Avatar
Try to buy a 2 by 4 look price over 6.00 at big box stores. Thank God don't smoke. Copper out world, don't even of going rice and Bean diet it the new framing young and caviar.
Try to buy a 2 by 4 Originally Posted by Ripmany
Just wait until Biden shuts down logging on public land. Shutting down the pipeline hurt Canada more than the US and he will impose regulation on lumber coming from Canada making him an international job killer
Just curious, although I certainly don't expect an honest answer. How many of the inflation whiners got a stimulus payment, either personally or to a company they derive income from?
  • oeb11
  • 01-27-2021, 02:39 PM
'Inflation whiners' - from a marxist knownothing of economics!
i am not an expert - but remember from Hisotry how hyperinflation brought about a revolution and installed the national Socialist party in Germany in teh 1930's.

There is a lesson - but - the lesson is moot - the DPST/ccp learned from that - and are following teh same path - expecting to institute their own marxist dictatorship in Amerika.

i did forget - DPST/ccp ers do not do History it is labelled as forbidden due to 'minority identity politics'!
I agree that you're not an expert, but you didn't answer the question either. Ibid applies again.
5 year inflation target around 2%. They have zero concern about inflation other than to get it up.
His press conference was even lamer saying the recovery will take much longer than expected. Current Unemployment is through the roof where Powell compared it to the height of the financial crises.

Rates aren't going up until late 2022...could equate to a market top this fall maybe.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Bubbles to the left
""lets circle back "" that's the answer to EVERYTHING
bubbles to the right ,
txdot-guy's Avatar
'Inflation whiners' - from a marxist knownothing of economics!
i am not an expert - but remember from Hisotry how hyperinflation brought about a revolution and installed the national Socialist party in Germany in teh 1930's.

There is a lesson - but - the lesson is moot - the DPST/ccp learned from that - and are following the same path - expecting to institute their own marxist dictatorship in Amerika.

i did forget - DPST/ccp ers do not do History it is labelled as forbidden due to 'minority identity politics'! Originally Posted by oeb11

You are definitely not an expert. However you appear to be an agitator. Stop the offensive language. DPST/ccp is equivalent to racist/nazi/fascist.
  • oeb11
  • 01-29-2021, 07:42 AM
Guess what - tsdot - There is no provision in teh Constitution that outlaws DPST/ccp from eve being 'offended' by reality, Facts , and Truth, or exposure of teh intellectual bankruptcy of the DPST/ccp socialshit ideology/religion of marx, lenin, stalin, and mao.

no One forces tsdot or others to read and participate in this forum

this forum is not a required weekly party meeting to enforce ideology!
if One is offended - One may leave and not read the forum!

Devolving to the default 'nazi' name-calling shows the intellectual bankruptcy of the ideology worshipped by deluded sheeples.

Censorship - is not yours to impose - in this forum - tsdot;
you have the freedom to post your own opinions - One i do support fully.
you would censor mine - an act required your own radical marxist ideology.

Hypocrisy extant - just as with nazi pelos ( and she deserves the appellation) - demanding to expel Rep Greene - while defining all republicans as 'the enemy within" - and her AOC demands 100 million Conservatives into her re-education camps.
hypocrisy - is teh socialshit ideology worshipped by DPST/ccp sheeples.

rexdutchman's Avatar
don't forget the 1 million jobs lost by 2022 ( in gas and oil alone ) and prices skyrocketing
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
The December numbers are published
Ripmany's Avatar