The Rick Perry Myth and Lies!!!!!

wellendowed1911's Avatar
Ok, ever since Rick Perry officially announced his bid for President- talk show host and conservative have been saying that Perry could beat Obama and that his state of Texas has a lower UE rate than the nation and Perry is great on creating jobs-oh really let's look at the facts.

1)He took stimulus money(you know the money the GOP said was a waste) with that created all Minimum Wage jobs, with No Health Insurance,
2) Texas has the distinction of having the most un-insured motorist and most un-insured people with out health care in the nation.
3) Texas and Mississippi have the lowest average wages in the nation- no wonder companies are flocking to Texas.-
4) Perry would call success if he gets half the UE people working at fast food joints.
5) Many of the Jobs he has lured from other states have required public money and Tax subsidies, cheap labor influx is rampant here in Texas, 27 billion dollar shortfall, superhighway failed
6) Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse than Dubya, we get Gov. Goodhair. Perry has actually done about squat to develop jobs in Texas. The conditions that have encouraged job growth here were in place before he took over: no state income tax, good climate (kinda), low wages, low cost of living. What Perry (a career politician who has spent over 20 years as a full-time state employee) has done is cut education spending by $4 Billion (with a B), cut children's medical coverage (you know what lazy lay-abouts those 6-year olds are), and balance the last 2-year budget with Federal stimulus money (he opposes the stimulus, but he took the money). He also refused Federal aid for the unemployed (which subsequently required a tax increase on employers)

Whirlway you live in Texas are you proud of Perry's work? Do you support him?

Governors STEAL jobs from other states; they do not CREATE them. Whatever part Perry has played is of no application to the Employment shortfall in the United States.
The people won`t be fooled by the "shiney thing" this time. Texas is NOT representative of the rest of the country.
a) how many of those jobs that Perry claims to have created are tied to oil? America isn`t one big oil field. Somebody needs to tell Perry that.
b) Wages are lower in Texas than the rest of the country – remember TX LEADS in jobs paying MINIMUM WAGE without BENEFITS. That helps the state STEAL jobs from the other 49 states. That`s not the example we want repeated across this great land.
c.) China pays lower wages than America does. To steal jobs from them ON A COST BASIS would require we set up sweatshops on our shores. Is this what Perry is advocating?
Look, if journalists scratch just an inch deep beneath Ricky`s braggadocio, we will all find that he is not someone that does critical thinking that can come up with original thoughts to address our issues.
Until Americans get to compare what Mitt would do to what Perry would do to what Bachmann would do, NONE OF THEM are worthy of serious consideration.
If your "Progressive States" want to lose jobs to the great state of Texas; I say welcome to Texas !

But your myth is that jobs are leaving the democratically destoryed economies of places like California because of isn't true. They are leaving for a whole host of reasons, none of which the Democrats are willing to change - regulatory and environmental extermism, litigation excess, quality of life issues, etc.

If you want to educate yourself about this issue read about it here...
wellendowed1911's Avatar
If your "Progressive States" want to lose jobs to the great state of Texas; I say welcome to Texas !

But your myth is that jobs are leaving the democratically destoryed economies of places like California because of isn't true. They are leaving for a whole host of reasons, none of which the Democrats are willing to change - regulatory and environmental extermism, litigation excess, quality of life issues, etc.

If you want to educate yourself about this issue read about it here... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
As always Whirly you never admit the truth?
Did I lie about the majority of Perry's jobs he "created" being low wage jobs?
Have I lied about Perry being against Stimulus but taking the money to balance his budget?
Can you tell the non- Texas residents how Texas measures up on the education gridiron?
let's look at it:
  • Texas is #49 in verbal SAT scores in the nation (493) and #46 in average math SAT scores (502).
  • Texas is #36 in the nation in high school graduation rates (68%).
  • Texas is #33 in the nation in teacher salaries. Teacher salaries in Texas are not keeping pace with the national average. The gains realized from the last state-funded across-the-board pay raise authorized in 1999, which moved the ranking from 33 to as high as 26th in the nation, have disappeared over the last five years.
  • Texas was the only state in the nation to cut average per pupil expenditures in fiscal year 2005, resulting in a ranking of #40 nationally; down from #25 in fiscal year 1999.
  • Texas is #6 in the nation in student growth. The general student population in Texas public schools grew by 11.1% between school years 1999 and 2005, with the largest percent of growth seen among low income and minority children.
  • Between school years 1999 and 2005, the number of central administrators employed by Texas public schools grew by 32.5%, overall staffing in public schools grew by 15.6%, while the number of teachers grew only 13.3%.
  • From fiscal years 2002 to 2006, average tuition and fees at public universities increased 61.4%. Average tuition and fees at community colleges increased 51.3%.
  • From fiscal years 2002 to 2007, the Texas state budget was cut in terms of real dollar, per-student funding for universities by 19.92%; for community colleges the per-student cut was 35.29%.
  • California has nine nationally recognized research institutions; New York has seven; Pennsylvania has four; while Texas, the second most populous state in the nation, has only three.
  • Out of Texas’ 145 public and private higher education institutions, only one private institution, Rice University, ranked among the nation’s top 50.
  • The number of students attending Texas colleges and universities increased by 23.6% from Fall 1999 to Fall 2005 with the highest growth in community and technical colleges.

you get what you pay for - Texas ranks 49th in revenues collected per capita, and 50th in revenues spent. The state also ranks 44th on tax progressivity, meaning although it collects less taxes overall, more of a share comes from the working class. Texas comes in dead last (50th) in percent of population over 25 who have a high school diploma. 46th in SAT scores, and 49th in teacher pay. But hey, the Texas school board has ordered that all schools teach the bible in the upcoming school year!

And you guys think Perry should be President LMFAO!!!!
OldGrump's Avatar
"Progressives' still fail to get it. Jobs are jobs. You have to start with a workforce for higher paying ones to develop and the entry level employees to advance. Only in Socialism do you put an undeserving person in a high paying job using money taken from others.

Texas has a unique population that includes a large number of "undocumented" residents who do nothing towards improving our educational status and put a tremendous strain on our healthcare system. Not to mention (though I'm going to) the vast number of uninsured autos on the roads.

Instead of second guessing what Perry may do, itemize ANYTHING Obama can take credit for that will be good for the economic future of our country. I see nothing but the contrary.

I know some of the more prolific and vocal members of this board lean left. I do welcome any positive insight you can share about our country's future if the Democrat vision is followed. I'm tired of sleepless nights.

PS: I prefer not to make political statements on this board. I just couldn't resist in view of the Perry attack. I'll put his character, goals, and background up against Obama any day.
waverunner234's Avatar
If your "Progressive States" want to lose jobs to the great state of Texas; I say welcome to Texas !
quality of life issues, etc. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Not Joking !

Here is a list of the states which have best and worse rankings with respect to quality of life issues.....note that the bottom of the list are (again) the heavily dominated and destroyed economies of democratic states - California, NJ, Michigan, Illinois, and NY.

Note that Texas ranks 16th well above your beloved, progressively controlled, high tax, high litigation, high cost of living, over regulated utopias !!!!! All of which are losing jobs (and thier economic base) to the great state of Texas !

Obama's Leninist dream is make states like Texas resemble the failed economies of California, Illinois and Michigan.

YOU MUST BE JOKING!! Originally Posted by waverunner234
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-17-2011, 03:23 PM
wellendowed1911's Avatar

'Nuff said. Originally Posted by Doove
God Bless you Dove!!! Hey Whirly- try to call-in on Hannity's or Rush's radio show and see if they have a lie or I mean and answer to the chart that Doove just posted- because both Rush and Hannity have been bragging about how much better Perry as Governor did in his state creating jobs than Obama has creating jobs.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
"Progressives' still fail to get it. Jobs are jobs. You have to start with a workforce for higher paying ones to develop and the entry level employees to advance. Only in Socialism do you put an undeserving person in a high paying job using money taken from others.

Texas has a unique population that includes a large number of "undocumented" residents who do nothing towards improving our educational status and put a tremendous strain on our healthcare system. Not to mention (though I'm going to) the vast number of uninsured autos on the roads.

Instead of second guessing what Perry may do, itemize ANYTHING Obama can take credit for that will be good for the economic future of our country. I see nothing but the contrary.

I know some of the more prolific and vocal members of this board lean left. I do welcome any positive insight you can share about our country's future if the Democrat vision is followed. I'm tired of sleepless nights.

PS: I prefer not to make political statements on this board. I just couldn't resist in view of the Perry attack. I'll put his character, goals, and background up against Obama any day. Originally Posted by OldGrump
Perry's character:? Because he goes around saying :"Jesus" and calling for a day of prayer makes him a better character?
You mean flip flop Perry who was once a Democrat and chaired Al Gore's campaign lol.
Character??? You mean the same man who wanted mandatory HPV vaccination for High school girls? How is that much different from Obama wanting mandatory Health care?
Character??? Here's a man who wanted Texas to secede from the Union- is that not treason?
Character??? Here's a man who use eminent domain to take private owned property from citizens.

Also, are you telling me that if Obama tomorrow said :My administration just created a plan that will provide jobs for the UE and this new plan will bring the UE rate down to 5% but all these jobs will only pay $7.25 hr are you going to telling me the GOP would not blast Obama??? The UE rate would perhaps be 5 or 6% if those UE took McDonald jobs or grocery store bagger jobs- whom are you kidding???
Ok, ever since Rick Perry officially announced his bid for President- talk show host and conservative have been saying that Perry could beat Obama and that his state of Texas has a lower UE rate than the nation and Perry is great on creating jobs-oh really let's look at the facts.

1)He took stimulus money(you know the money the GOP said was a waste) with that created all Minimum Wage jobs, with No Health Insurance,
2) Texas has the distinction of having the most un-insured motorist and most un-insured people with out health care in the nation.
3) Texas and Mississippi have the lowest average wages in the nation- no wonder companies are flocking to Texas.-
4) Perry would call success if he gets half the UE people working at fast food joints.
5) Many of the Jobs he has lured from other states have required public money and Tax subsidies, cheap labor influx is rampant here in Texas, 27 billion dollar shortfall, superhighway failed
6) Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse than Dubya, we get Gov. Goodhair. Perry has actually done about squat to develop jobs in Texas. The conditions that have encouraged job growth here were in place before he took over: no state income tax, good climate (kinda), low wages, low cost of living. What Perry (a career politician who has spent over 20 years as a full-time state employee) has done is cut education spending by $4 Billion (with a B), cut children's medical coverage (you know what lazy lay-abouts those 6-year olds are), and balance the last 2-year budget with Federal stimulus money (he opposes the stimulus, but he took the money). He also refused Federal aid for the unemployed (which subsequently required a tax increase on employers)

Whirlway you live in Texas are you proud of Perry's work? Do you support him?

Governors STEAL jobs from other states; they do not CREATE them. Whatever part Perry has played is of no application to the Employment shortfall in the United States.
The people won`t be fooled by the "shiney thing" this time. Texas is NOT representative of the rest of the country.
a) how many of those jobs that Perry claims to have created are tied to oil? America isn`t one big oil field. Somebody needs to tell Perry that.
b) Wages are lower in Texas than the rest of the country – remember TX LEADS in jobs paying MINIMUM WAGE without BENEFITS. That helps the state STEAL jobs from the other 49 states. That`s not the example we want repeated across this great land.
c.) China pays lower wages than America does. To steal jobs from them ON A COST BASIS would require we set up sweatshops on our shores. Is this what Perry is advocating?
Look, if journalists scratch just an inch deep beneath Ricky`s braggadocio, we will all find that he is not someone that does critical thinking that can come up with original thoughts to address our issues.
Until Americans get to compare what Mitt would do to what Perry would do to what Bachmann would do, NONE OF THEM are worthy of serious consideration. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

Wasn't it Rick Perry who got rid of the poor childrens Blue Chip insurance in Texas as well? Not to mention he passed the law requiring women who need an abortion to view their fetus via an ultrasound first before they can get one? Not too mention he is a fanatical religious zealot who is apart of the whole Dominionism cult. Just look at his whole big christian only prayer day he held at what was it reliant stadium or some place? As if praying is going to solve the issues at hand.. pulease..

I will take an Atheistic educated president any damn day, but please get rid of the religious nut cases in office..!!
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Rick Perry for President?


Rick Perry is just version 2.0 of Bush Jr.

You all remember the cowboy from Texas, don't you?

He's the one who spent the surplus that the Democrats left us, took us into idiotic wars that drained blood and treasure and for good measure, plunged this country into the worst recession since the Great Depression.

I will admit that President Obama has taken a beating over the debt ceiling debate and the ensuing downgrade, but voting any Republican to the highest office in Nov 6, 2012 will only take this country back the Bush road.
I have been following Rick Perry's career ever since he decided he wanted to be a republican.

Rick Perry is out for Rick Perry. He is the one Polititian with enough political savy to defeat President Obama.

I like his pro business stance. I doubt he cares any more for all of that prayer stuff than he does anything else. All he sees is votes, and he will get them any way he can.

I hope the Democrats make the mistake of underestimating him. In the game of politics, he does not take prisoners. Just as The Breck Girl.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-17-2011, 05:59 PM
Rick Perry is out for Rick Perry.

I like his pro business stance. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Don't you mean his pro government business stance?

I doubt he cares any more for all of that prayer stuff than he does anything else. All he sees is votes, and he will get them any way he can.
And in spite of this, you will vote for him. Telling. Very telling.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I have to admit that Rick Perry will be a very formidable challenger to President Obama.

As I see it, President Obama is a brilliant man , but may perhaps want to be too civil to really succeed in the brutal game of politics.

I fear that Perry will first wipe the floor with Mitt Rommney and may then try to do the same with Obama.

President Obama is going to have to take out his brash knuckles and slug it out "mano a mano" with Perry if he really wants to have a second term.

I am also very disappointed that non of his heavy hitters in his cabinet have really NOT come out in his defense during the harsh beatings he has taken this last few weeks.
Have we all also forgotten that Rick Perry used to be a Dem?
Worked on a Gore campaign back in the '80s.

Rick Perry is out for Rick Perry.

He will run us all into the ground just as long as he can keep that pretty, pretty haircut.
All Hail Gov. McDreamy...

You know, if Ron Paul would drop the whole "Gold Standard" thing, he'd have a REAL shot.