Jury Duty

Tall_Cat81's Avatar
Sometimes you just don't know who your gonna run into at jury duty. So far I ran into a co worker, two old fwb, a woman I used to date, and the stripper that gave me a lap dance two weeks ago. Maybe this is a sign?
oldtiger's Avatar
Sometimes you just don't know who your gonna run into at jury duty. So far I ran into a co worker, two old fwb, a woman I used to date, and the stripper that gave me a lap dance two weeks ago. Maybe this is a sign? Originally Posted by Tall_Cat81
Just as long as none of them was my mom.....
Tall_Cat81's Avatar
Sometimes you just don't know who your gonna run into at jury duty. So far I ran into a co worker, two old fwb, a woman I used to date, and the stripper that gave me a lap dance two weeks ago. Maybe this is a sign? Originally Posted by Tall_Cat81
FWB....aww, I know what I'd be doing on my lunch break then....ONE of the TWO of them would have to be persuaded to pass some time with me in one of the downtown hotel rooms.....
Tall_Cat81's Avatar
I got picked btw to be on a jury. Not a pleasant experience and I hope the person know that he a lucky bastard.