Time comes clean - How they rigged the election for senile Biden

berryberry's Avatar
In Time, an incredible admission that celebrates how the the powerful corporations and their bribed allies rigged the election for Senile Biden, something during the month of November would’ve gotten you banned from Twitter. Time admits Trump Was Right. There WAS A Conspiracy

HDGristle's Avatar
The whole article is a pretty good read. I suggest anyone who wants to participate in discussion read it, and not just focus on the snippets berry is highlighting.

About 10 paragraphs in, this story essentially says the exact opposite Berry claims. Lol.

“ The handshake between business and labor was just one component of a vast, cross-partisan campaign to protect the election–an extraordinary shadow effort dedicated not to winning the vote but to ensuring it would be free and fair, credible and uncorrupted.”
berryberry's Avatar
About 10 paragraphs in, this story essentially says the exact opposite Berry claims. Lol.
Originally Posted by himzert
LOL - if that is the conclusion you draw, there is no hope for you. And by the way, the quotes I posted were not my "claims" as you suggest but rather quotes directly out of that article.
I’m not going to debate a cult member. But you’re quotes in no way talk about changing election results. As HD said, anyone is free to read the entire story and see how it says nothing you claim it does, especially since much of it is focused on post-election
lustylad's Avatar
I’m not going to debate a cult member. Originally Posted by himzert
We understand. It's obvious you're better at name-calling than debating.

So tell me, himzert - when Facebook and Twitter and the mainstream media suppressed the hunter laptop story that broke just before the election, were they in your opinion acting to "fortify" our election integrity and preserve our fragile democracy? If so, please explain.
lustylad's Avatar
... you’re (sic) quotes in no way talk about changing election results. Originally Posted by himzert

Hmm... lookee at this, himzert!

One in six Biden voters say they would have changed their votes had they known more about Hunter's scandals, which the media cabal deliberately suppressed.

berryberry's Avatar
I’m not going to debate a cult member. But you’re quotes in no way talk about changing election results. Originally Posted by himzert
LOL - why is it that so many of those on the left always resort to childish name calling rather than actual debate?

The Time article confirms how a group of left wing organizations in concert with powerful corporations conspired to help rig the election for Biden. If you read the, they actually admit that this group of organizations planned to change our voting system and rules even before COVID19 hit.

They admit their scheme while couching the article in terms like:

* The election wasn’t rigged; it was “saved”.
* It wasn’t big tech collusion; it was “suppression of disinformation”.
* It wasn’t threats of violence; it was “preserving the peace”. * You weren’t manipulated; you were “protected”.

It is clear as day that there was collusion by these entities, by hook or crook, against Trump.

They got the outcome they wanted and now the country suffers for it.
chizzy's Avatar
I’m not going to debate a cult member. But you’re quotes in no way talk about changing election results. As HD said, anyone is free to read the entire story and see how it says nothing you claim it does, especially since much of it is focused on post-election Originally Posted by himzert

heres the thing......... trump didnt help his cause by having the personality of a arrogant ass but imhp the main reason for the loss is one simple word...........media

if you control the mainstream media ABC NBC CBS and social media
twitter, facebook google, you control what people see and hear
and that will sway opinions plain and simple

if i remember correctly and someone can correct me if im wrong, one of the first things hitler did when he came into power was to nationalize the newspapers so the german people only red what benefited hitler and his party. Why do you think the chinese goverment supresses news for their billions of people?

media is the devil in sheeps clothing
HDGristle's Avatar
When two sides of an argument can't see beyond their biases, they can't find common ground or compromise... even when it comes to Hitler comparisons.

You'll see the worst when you're looking for it. You'll find an echo chamber to build up the flames in a fire that burns out any other ways of doing things or thinking and you'll pretend you've got nothing to do with it when the house burns down and point fingers at the other side for why the house burned down instead of seeing where your actions and inactions played into it.

Those who see positive collaboration don't get why those who see destructive collusion are upset and those who see destructive collusion don't have a fucking clue how it could possibly be positive collaboration.

But when the house burns down while everyone's chucking gasoline on the fire instead of putting it out... it's everyone's fucking fault.
chizzy's Avatar
When two sides of an argument can't see beyond their biases, they can't find common ground or compromise... even when it comes to Hitler comparisons.

You'll see the worst when you're looking for it. You'll find an echo chamber to build up the flames in a fire that burns out any other ways of doing things or thinking and you'll pretend you've got nothing to do with it when the house burns down and point fingers at the other side for why the house burned down instead of seeing where your actions and inactions played into it.

Those who see positive collaboration don't get why those who see destructive collusion are upset and those who see destructive collusion don't have a fucking clue how it could possibly be positive collaboration.

But when the house burns down while everyone's chucking gasoline on the fire instead of putting it out... it's everyone's fucking fault. Originally Posted by HDGristle
Since u r referring to my post I believe, I was not comparing the dems to hitler, u assumed that possibly. My point was in germany,in china news is and was suppressed. There is no doubt that social media and main stream media leans heavily left and some people(cattle) if u will believe what they hear. Take aoc, claiming she feared for her life during the capital riot. It's been confirmed she wasnt even in the building lol. Show me where cnn or NBC or abc called her on her bullshit, there is very little if any media that is straight down the middle not taking either side and doesn't show biased. I doubt u could disagree with that
The cult of ignorance is real.
chizzy's Avatar
The cult of ignorance is real. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
Yes it is and u are a unsuspecting member but you will see in the few years to come although you will still probably be in denial
HDGristle's Avatar
Take aoc, claiming she feared for her life during the capital riot. It's been confirmed she wasnt even in the building lol. Show me where cnn or NBC or abc called her on her bullshit, there is very little if any media that is straight down the middle not taking either side and doesn't show biased. I doubt u could disagree with that Originally Posted by chizzy
She is and has been a clown. Half of the press she gets is because of how vehement the reaction is to her from the right.
berryberry's Avatar
The cult of ignorance is real. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
One gets the impression you must be the leader of this mysterious cult you speak of. You post so often about it.