Should Whirlaway Tell Us His Vote?

Wellendowed has been stalking me over "who I voted for"...I think it is kinda gay the way you seems to have a fetish over who I voted for, and I don't see how it will change the way he thinks about the issues, but let's poll the question !
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Better yet Whirlway has been talking out of his ass and has been quoting soundbites from RUSH and Hannity show but wants everyone to believe that he's neither Dem or GOP- yet I can't remember a thread where he has blamed the GOP for anything.
I just want to know where the fuck you stand Whirl- you are obviously over zealous about Obama- you seem to start a thread on any minor issue you "read" about from Obama golfing to Obama merely talking and relating it to the Dow dropping etc.

If you could you would probably post how many times Obama took a shit in a day or perhaps you would make a thread if you knew how many times Obama got sex from Michelle- you are the one with the problem.

All are you rants are these stupid anti-obama threads- ok we get the message you don't like Obama!!! Just vote for the other candidate on 11-4-12 and move on with your life.

If you are an "Independent" or social conservative libertarian there's got to be some things that the GOP have done that have pissed you off,Yet where are you threads about the GOP??? Have they done nothing wrong?
Bring it home Whirlaway! Let the BITCH CRY. LOL
The option I would choose was not available.

So I'm writing in "who cares" lol

waverunner234's Avatar
The option I would choose was not available.

So I'm writing in "who cares" lol

Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan
Right. HH I wish I had put that as an option !

I agree nobody should give a shit how I voted.


The option I would choose was not available.

So I'm writing in "who cares" lol

Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan

I agree nobody should give a shit how I voted. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Whirly finally said something I agree with! I will mark this date on my calendar!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-18-2011, 10:33 AM
Right. HH I wish I had put that as an option !

I agree nobody should give a shit how I voted.

Thanks. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

You talk more shit than anyone on here about politics.

Yet you do not have the balls to admit who the fuc you voted for.

This is kinda like asking a gay soldier if they are for ''Don't ask , Don't tell.''

We figure you are for serving openly but as much shit as you talk we are just asking how you voted.

You are right it was no big deal. But now we can fuc with you endlessly about it!
Feel free to shows what a fucked jerk you are; I wll continue to taunt you over your obsession as well........and that is what your lame posts are all about "fucking with." You have no intelligent information to offer.....all you do is "fuck" with others...your a jerk WTF. You named yourself appropriately.........

You dumb assess; it shows how fucking lame your lives are by repeatedly asking. And dumbass BigTex posts "nobody should give a shit" but then he votes that I should tell you all.....fucking idiots !

You talk more shit than anyone on here about politics.

Yet you do not have the balls to admit who the fuc you voted for.

This is kinda like asking a gay soldier if they are for ''Don't ask , Don't tell.''

We figure you are for serving openly but as much shit as you talk we are just asking how you voted.

You are right it was no big deal. But now we can fuc with you endlessly about it! Originally Posted by WTF
And dumbass BigTex posts "nobody should give a shit" but then he votes that I should tell you all.....fucking idiots ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
In light of all of the garbage that you dish out, you probably should tell. Not to satisfy me but to satisfy their curiosity! With that said, I would be the first in line to defend your right to "remain silent!"

What they are doing is no different than a police officer wanting a suspect to disclose his deepest, darkest secret. At the end of the day, the officer knows the suspect might be guilty as hell, but he has the right to remain silent and that anything he says can and will be used against him. If the suspect decides to remain silent there is not a damn thing the officer can do about it! Just as these guys can not make you inform them of your '08 vote for Obama, errrrr whomever!

Do I personally care how you voted. Not in the least! As far as I am concerned, you can continue with your childish charade! I am not the least bit curious about how a stupid ass, dipshit, T-Bagger votes! I say let's move on to more important matters, like chasin' willin' ladies! Or for those of your kind who reside on Brokeback Mountain or airport mensroom stalls, you can chase whatever in the hell suits your fancy!

You obviously give yourself too much credit, 'cuz you ain't even a blip on my radar screen. And furthermore, you can bet your "sorry," worthless ass that I am not going to lose any sleep, one way or the other with how you voted!

Adios Mofo!
My add in vote is "This is another lame thread."
cptjohnstone's Avatar
is there a "dislike button"?
is there a "dislike button"? Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
You might try clicking on the "like" button two times!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-19-2011, 02:14 AM
Feel free to shows what a fucked jerk you are; I wll continue to taunt you over your obsession as well........and that is what your lame posts are all about "fucking with." You have no intelligent information to offer.....all you do is "fuck" with others...your a jerk WTF. You named yourself appropriately.........

You dumb assess; it shows how fucking lame your lives are by repeatedly asking. And dumbass BigTex posts "nobody should give a shit" but then he votes that I should tell you all.....fucking idiots !

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I voted we all should dick slap you upside your gay ass head.

Marshall at least knew wtf he was posting. You have shown not a clue as to what you are posting from forewared chain e-mails from Sean Hannity.

Seriously sheep like you should be nutered. I'd pitch in the ball-pin hammer and asprin should anyone be able to find your balls.

You should have to balls to say who you voted for in a forum such as this.

Trust me when I say , I really hope you don't. I do not mind a bit yanking the chain of someone who starts as many ignorant threads as you.
WTF, your the dumbshit - you actually voted in my bullshit poll !. Now rollover Fido, speak Fido, good puppy dog, here's your treat !

Your a fucking loser WTF.................

You are right it was no big deal. But now we can fuc with you endlessly about it! Originally Posted by WTF