
Amatuer GYN's Avatar
Maybe we can let some of the other spas have their time in the lime light. They all need the business.
naughty4u1976's Avatar
Now is your time to shine bro...
You've only posted 1 review in the last
6 months.

Find a new spa and fill us in.

My take on it is there are only a handful of
AMP's that offer more than L1 and the mongers
of this forum aren't interested in reviews
less than L2.
Amatuer GYN's Avatar
I went to 8 Spa and was disappointing but it would seem petty to post a mediocre review. Maybe you can give me some pointers on 8 spa or Relax. lmao.
naughty4u1976's Avatar
Just be nice to them.
You be surprised how far that gets you...
Agreed !
I went to 8 Spa and was disappointing but it would seem petty to post a mediocre review. Maybe you can give me some pointers on 8 spa or Relax. lmao. Originally Posted by Amatuer GYN
Mediocre reviews and reviews about mediocre services can be helpful also.