Encounter: Jade Flower

Date: 1/29/2021
Name: Gigi (ii believe hard to understand with mask)
Phone: 4092932914
Email Address: NA
URL / Website: NA
City: P.A
State: Texas
Address: Off twin city in shopping center next to walmart
Activities: HJ, NE and SE above pants
Hair Length and Color: Black below shoulders
Age: 50’s
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: Medium build and ugly!
Recommendation: No
Damn. I just wish we had another place like tulip, the one on north street, doucette, or hell maybe even red rose, they had a few decent girls before it got shut down right around the same time north st did too. Had sexy girls at the one on north, and doucette when I visited.
Miss Boudreaux off MLK
Miss Boudreaux off MLK Originally Posted by spamaster
That must have been before my hobby days. Too bad I missed out! Should have started sooner
Boudreaux girls were FS, by and large very nice looking. Some were nurses making cash on the side. Place stayed open a couple years but eventually got busted
Should have listened to you a billion percent. I like seeing places and women for the first time when I find out about a new place, but not Jade. Jesus
Should have listened to you a billion percent. I like seeing places and women for the first time when I find out about a new place, but not Jade. Jesus Originally Posted by Laxus2012
Pretty bad, huh?
Pretty bad, huh? Originally Posted by Ironmann11
Hell yeah man. I think it cured me of my want to always check out new places for myself. I'll take everyones word for it.
thanks for the help fellas
Man that sux...I was going to give it a shot.
are their any places like red roses or tulip or north street still open?
Man, Boudrouxs was the place. It was great, tucked away in that patch of woods, nice building, nice interior and all the girls were great. Didn’t matter who you got but it was FS, Fetishes, whatever you wanted. I had 2 acquaintances that were tapped by BPD to go in & receive services & record. They took so much $$ getting services and never gave them any good video, lol. It was pretty funny, BPD finally had to send in real LEO and that got them in some hot water too.

I miss that place.
That place was almost 24/7. They had some great looking white chicks from Louisiana, that would do anything for very reasonable fees. Had the best of times there.
Nothing comes even close to this place nowadays