The Stimulus Bill and The Hobby

ICU 812's Avatar
They are trying to get stuff into the stimulus bill just now.

We should all contact Bernie Saunders about this.

I envision a provision overturning every Federal law that prohibits prostitution and a further prohibition on Federal Le to co-operate with local authorities on enforcing local prostitution laws.

Another provision of the stimulus bill should give a 2x income tax credit on estimated Hobby expenditures by corporations and private citizens.

Well, it COULD work! The bill is huge and they want to pass it by acclimation or deem it passed . . .or something.
omnibus bills are so disgusting and dishonest. Wish we could ban those.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Heh! Your title fooled me, I thought you were referring to my client that tips VERY well

My bad! Interesting topic OP
I thought you were referring to my client that tips VERY well Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO
If I had a client named Bill who was an extremely good tipper, I'd call him "Stimulus Bill" too.
Ripmany's Avatar
What about the hypo inflation that's going to cause, are hookers going to raise rate or reduce it because lest guys with remainders
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
the reconciliation bill crap is one method where legislatures slip in bad bill and no one can reasonably read it in a reasonable time.

pass it so we can find out whats inside it. Trust us, its all good.