I have been a predominantly silent observer of this forum since the inauguration of President Biden. Instead I have preferred to bask in the glow of not having the leader of our country lie to me 25 or 30 times a day and just shake my head at all of you that long for the horror days of Trump and think that life as we know it is now over.
Disclaimer: The following links are provided for amusement only. If you do not find them to be amusing, then please just move on. They typical marxist, deep space, Comrade XI, Biden this, Fiden that, AOC is ugly and Bernie is senile responses that populate much of this forum are not required here.
I imagine Ted has been the but of jokes his entire life. And probably has no idea why.
Isn't that golden calf statue the creepiest thing ever.
I like Ben Sasse. Unfortunately I cannot ever see him winning reelection to his Senate seat in Nebraska. Perhaps he will run for president some day. He just might end up being the only winning candidate that loses his home state. Unless you count the vagabond Trump as being from New York in 2016. Which I do not, but I could see where some might.