How did Mister Ed and DentonMike disagree on Sansa’s age by 20 less than two hours today. Whoever went first must have really wore her out. Took 20 years off her life. Seriously, any carny can guess your age within 5 yrs. hopefully a typo, but INE writer had an axe to grind.
Here are a few playful hints to tighten up expectations....for reviewers and readers.
Rule of thumb, “if you have to ask, then you know”....
If ladies are chewing gum, they are smokers. People who eat brush their teeth between customers.
More so, If they kiss and don’t “taste” like scope, they are smokers. They rinse and spit after each good boy, so if they aren’t minty fresh, it’s from their lungs. So ygiagam is nonsense. If you don’t “know” that they aren’t smokers, then they are smokers.
Spinner or Amazonian???
You know how tall you if they are up to your chin, they are a foot shorter than you. Up to your nipples, two feet shorter. If they are just taller than a door knob, they are about 39 inches.
Couldn’t tell/YGIAGAM
None of these require glasses or contacts. If you’re over 18 and have enough ambition(aka, give a fuck) to write a review, you have enough experience to figure this out. If you’re over 80, maybe you forgot what you learned growing up or had a seizure in the session. Unlikely you are leaving a review on the interwebs, but good on you....all is forgiven.
Missing age is trickier, but one of those knuckleheads doesn’t know the difference between someone born before 1965-1970 and someone born in the 90’s. So do everyone a favor...don’t leave reviews. You’re an idiot or disingenuous. In either case, not helpful.
Happy hunting. Write epic reviews and be excellent. Two more Johns and Sansa could be between 10 and 90 years old, so if you want to see her, hurry.