Lock-Down, Isolate, Mask-Up, except at the border.

ICU 812's Avatar
I am seeing/heraring stories that say that illegal border crossers in coustody have been Covid19 tested posative and released back into he USA.

Regardless of one's position on immigration or ICE . . . .

Why is this not considered a super spreader activity? isn't this a public health issue?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
they should be quarantined at least. PCism rears its ugly head.
winn dixie's Avatar
Why is this not considered a super spreader activity? isn't this a public health issue?

First it doesnt fit into the lsm agenda. Second, yes THIS IS a National public health issue!
gov. abbot accuses the biden administration of purposely spreading covid in texas
  • oeb11
  • 03-04-2021, 11:10 AM
Abbott is correct - fidenharris and the DPST/ccp team punishes red states.

Irony - many of teh border folks vote DPST , and are incensed that they came across legally - and now they pay to bring in illegals to spread disesae, gangs, drugs, and trafficked people. .

'r', 'j', 'a', - etc- WTF - can you not see the Hypocrisy ?????

Oh, - none So Blind! Ideology Uber alles .
Just Quote nadler - "It's a Myth"!!!
rexdutchman's Avatar
As of yesterday 6% entering ILLEGALLY have COVID , + 321 unaccompanied minors
YUP we isolate lockdown, put thousand outa work BUT if your sick come on in JUST FUCKING BRILLIANCE AT WORK
pfunkdenver's Avatar
I am seeing/heraring stories that say that illegal border crossers in coustody have been Covid19 tested posative and released back into he USA.

Regardless of one's position on immigration or ICE . . . .

Why is this not considered a super spreader activity? isn't this a public health issue?
Originally Posted by ICU 812
I have not seen anything on this. Do have a link to a news story?
I have not seen anything on this. Do have a link to a news story? Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
its all over the place except maybe the news blackout lsm places

bing it, or better yet, duck duck go it
I have not seen anything on this. Do have a link to a news story? Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
This isn't the top story on BlueTalkingPointsMemo?
ICU 812's Avatar
Gov Abbott and Texas are exacerbating the health crisis of the Covid-19 pandemic by lifting all restrictions according to the liberal-left. Yet it is OK to release folks who cross our border (from who knows where) that actually test positive out into the nation at large?

"Follow the science!" they say, but do not confuse me with logic!
  • oeb11
  • 03-05-2021, 08:09 AM
DPST's cannot comprehend their own 'radical Hypocrisy' - it is used to advance the marxist totalitarian agenda of bernie and AOC
Prepare for concentration camps for thoe who rebel against DPST 'Groupthink"!
  • oeb11
  • 03-05-2021, 08:25 AM
  • oeb11
  • 03-05-2021, 08:25 AM
rexdutchman's Avatar
Now you all understand fort peslois sss DC , walls walls everywhere but where needed
rexdutchman's Avatar
But wait didn't the LSM go crazy over unaccompanied children ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,