Business Insider Current staffer reportedly files complaint about Gov. Andrew Cuomo inappropriately touching her

  • oeb11
  • 03-09-2021, 02:03 PM

© Stefani Reynolds/Getty Images New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is under increasing pressure from fellow Democrats. Stefani Reynolds/Getty Images
  • Another accuser has emerged in the ongoing sexual harassment scandal that Gov. Cuomo is facing.
  • The woman is a current staffer in the Executive Chamber, according to the Albany Times Union.
  • Staff reported the incident, which the governor's office referred to NY's Attorney General.
  • Visit the Business section of Insider for more stories.
An unnamed staffer is the sixth woman to accuse New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo of sexual harassment, the Albany Times Union first reported on Tuesday.

The Times Union did not name the accuser because she could not be reached for comment, but they confirmed she is an employee of the Executive Chamber, which is sometimes referred to as the governor's office but can also incorporate high-level staff at state agencies who report to Cuomo.
Other staffers reported the incident, which reportedly occurred in the governor's mansion.
The incident allegedly took place late last year, and the woman recently told her supervisor that the governor "inappropriately touched her" in an internal complaint, according to the Times Union.
That complaint was then referred to the New York Attorney General Tish James's office, where an investigation into Cuomo's conduct is under way.
Cuomo's office became aware of the allegation on Monday, according to an anonymous aide who spoke with the Times Union.
The governor's office did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment.
"All allegations that we learn of directly or indirectly are going promptly to the investigators appointed by the attorney general," Beth Garvey, who was recently promoted to acting counsel for the governor, told the Times Union.
Cuomo, a third term Democrat, has previously apologized for acting "in a way that made people feel uncomfortable," but he has also insisted that he "never touched anyone inappropriately."
The governor has also refused to resign, calling it "anti-democratic" as members of his own party in the state legislature have called for him to step down.
Pressure on Cuomo to resign has continued to grow as more allegations emerge.
Of the five other accusers, three are former staffers.

Ladies and Gentlemen - the line forms to the "LEFT".

hilarious to see the DPST marxist rags piling on cuomoo - not that he does not deserve it.

Maybe he can share the cell epstein was housed in?????
Little Monster's Avatar
That's the difference between the Dems and the Marxist/hypocritic/chauvinistic Repugnicans. We're not gonna try and defend that type of behavior unlike the obedient Marxist conservatards who did nothing when over 30 women came forward about Trump doing the same thing, not to mention defending Trump after it came out that he {staff edit-CK}.

Nope you and the rest of your Marxist/hypocritic/chauvinistic party just bowed down to Trump like good little Marxist.

Fuck Cuomo he is nothing but another Trump, only difference is he's smarter than Trump
  • oeb11
  • 03-09-2021, 07:53 PM
Thank you for your nonsense and Trump hatred - lm jr.

No matter what - it comes down to TDS and Trump hatred - and blame Trump for everything you DPST's are doing to fuck up America but Awfully .

enjoy your moment in the 'sun' - america is headed for a DPST ,marxist socialist disaster it will take years - if ever- to dig our way out of.

Little lm still does not understand what marxism means - and cannot comprehend marx and das kapital.

it is just repeating Just word salad trying to be the 'master ' 'baiter' of teh Forum.
How SAD - tiny tyrant.

DPST's would love to have a loyal minion such as lm jr. run for POTUS - and supplant fiden by the 25th amendment.

why not publish your platform , lm jr????
rexdutchman's Avatar
TDS is real , what that idiot cumoosss has done has nothing to do with T
Little Monster's Avatar
TDS is real , what that idiot cumoosss has done has nothing to do with T Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Obviously my point flew right over your head. I was pointing out the difference between us Dems and the Marxist/hypocritic/chauvinistic Repugnican party. We don't defend that behavior, the Marxist repugnicans do!

Marxist hypocrisy is real.
  • oeb11
  • 03-10-2021, 08:46 AM
And - thank U . lm jr.

Your post is self- descriptive of u and your DPST marxist idiotology. and your Hypocrisy.

lm jr. has Never read - nor could comprehending - the disaster that is marxism and Marx' Das Kapital.
Marxist/hypocritic/chauvinistic Repugnican party. Originally Posted by Little Monster
I've been seeing you throw this around a lot the last few days, what happened to make bring you to that conclusion?
Little Monster's Avatar
I've been seeing you throw this around a lot the last few days, what happened to make bring you to that conclusion? Originally Posted by GastonGlock
I have seen each one of those characteristics displayed in the Republican party as far as I can remember, and most recently in Obbie and his lord and savior Trump.

Jacuzzme's Avatar
I've been seeing you throw this around a lot the last few days, what happened to make bring you to that conclusion?
He’s never read any Marx and forms opinions based on what he hears on Twitter or some other place beset with likeminded know nothings.
Little Monster's Avatar
He’s never read any Marx and forms opinions based on what he hears on Twitter or some other place beset with likeminded know nothings. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Yeah you're right man. We never discussed Marxism/communism in any of my 15 poli sci courses, or any of my world history courses, or any of my philosophy courses, nope!

The biggest demographic that votes Repugnican are older males who lack higher education. You and obbie prove why that is.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
LOL. And I’ve got a 16” schlong.
  • oeb11
  • 03-10-2021, 01:53 PM
'Ignorance " - causes fear which causes hatred.

Thank U - lm jr.
it is amusing to watch One make a pathetic spectacle of One's 'lack of knowledge"!
Little Monster's Avatar
'Ignorance " - causes fear which causes hatred.

Thank U - lm jr.
it is amusing to watch One make a pathetic spectacle of One's 'lack of knowledge"! Originally Posted by oeb11
You seriously need to do your research before you decide to use words in which you have no full understanding of and then label people with those very same words.

Cuomo will be gone soon enough don't worry, after Andrew Yang wins mayor of NYC he will do such a bad ass job he will go on to become gov. of New York.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Little Monster, now that you are being referred to as LM Jr, I assume that I am the Senior according to oeb. I just want to let you know Junior that don't think for a second you are taking any popularity votes away from me. You know good and and damn well that I raised you better than that. LOL

In all seriousness, Cuomo should just resign while he has what little dignity he has left. He is a predator and he has had only a few women come forward about his unacceptable behavior. When the rest come forward (and they will) he is just going to look like more of an asshole for using his position of power to take advantage of women. Hell, I may say he touched me in an inappropriate manner on the elevator and I haven't lived in New York for more than a decade. I'll take that hush money from him to not look like he is gay. A perv like him won't even remember that I'm full of shit about it even happening or not.
I have seen each one of those characteristics displayed in the Republican party as far as I can remember, and most recently in Obbie and his lord and savior Trump.

Originally Posted by Little Monster
Would you care to enlighten me? I'm asking out of genuine curiosity, not being a smartass.

I specifically don't like NeoCons because they tend to be almost Trotskyist in their meddling behavior, but I'm down to shame any sort of commie-derivative behavior.